Report  Unknown

ITACA - Rapporto di valutazione su vantaggi e svantaggi delle diverse classi di tecniche di watermarking invisibile in relazione agli scopi del progetto

Salerno E.

Watermarking  K.6.5 Security and Protection 

This report contains three separate documents: state of the art in digital watermarking; assessment of two different methods for robust and invisible watermarking; experiments on the method chosen for project ITACA. These three parts have been archived as confidential reports 2013-PR-005, 2013-PR-004, and 2014-PR-001, respectively, in the ISTI-CNR publication management system. The coarsest classification of watermarking includes space-domain and transformed-domain methods. ITACA's need to watermark multi-channel images also entails a choice of a specific algorithm that maintains robustness and transparency in both the entire data cube and any part thereof, depending on the intended use of the data. After a general assessment, two methods have been selected that are suitable for ITACA, one working in the space domain and one working in the singular vector domain. After the first experiments, the algorithm in the space domain has been chosen to be examined more in depth. The result of this further study is an algorithm that has already been proposed in the literature, slightly modified to be used at ITACA's purposes of color/multispectral data images. The extraction procedure, in particular, does not rely on ICA techniques.

Source: Project report, ITACA, 2014

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BibTeX entry
	title = {ITACA - Rapporto di valutazione su vantaggi e svantaggi delle diverse classi di tecniche di watermarking invisibile in relazione agli scopi del progetto},
	author = {Salerno E.},
	institution = {Project report, ITACA, 2014},
	year = {2014}