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Formal description and validation of an interaction policy in an object-oriented framework

Fantechi A., Gnesi S., Semini L.

Software/program verification  Reliability  Security and protection 

Formal methods are increasingly used to validate the design of software and hardware components of safety critical systems. We describe here a case study where a formal verification method was applied in practice. As a case study we have considered a safe interaction policy between communicating objects, the Multiple Levels of Integrity policy. This policy can be seen as a communication protocol that guarantees the integrity of sensible data. Formal specification is given using a process algebra, and validation is done following a model checking approach.

Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–24, 1999

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Formal description and validation of an interaction policy in an object-oriented framework},
	author = {Fantechi A. and Gnesi S. and Semini L.},
	institution = {ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–24, 1999},
	year = {1999}