Conference article  Restricted

OAIzer: configurable OAI exports over relational databases

La Bruzzo S., Manghi P., Bardi A.

User interfaces [Enhanced publications]  Enhanced publications: User interfaces  Interconnected information objects  H.3.7 Digital Libraries  Digital library systems 

Modern Digital Library Systems (DLSs) typically support information spaces of interconnected objects, whose graph-like document models surpass the traditional DL payload-metadata document models. Examples are repositories for enhanced publications, CRIS systems, cultural heritage archives. To enable interoperability, DLSs expose their objects and interlinks with other objects as "export packages", via standard exchange formats (e.g. XML, RDF encodings) and OAI-ORE or OAI-PMH protocols. This paper presents OAIzer, a tool for the easy configuration and automatic deploy of OAI interfaces over an RDBMSbased DLS. Starting from the given relational representation of a document model, OAIzer provides DLS developers with user interfaces for drafting the intended structure of export packages and the automated deploy of OAI endpoints capable of exporting such packages.

Source: MTSR 2013 - Metadata and Semantics Research. 7th Research Conference, pp. 35–47, Thessaloniki, Greece, 19-22 November 2013


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BibTeX entry
	title = {OAIzer: configurable OAI exports over relational databases},
	author = {La Bruzzo S. and Manghi P. and Bardi A.},
	doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-03437-9_5},
	booktitle = {MTSR 2013 - Metadata and Semantics Research. 7th Research Conference, pp. 35–47, Thessaloniki, Greece, 19-22 November 2013},
	year = {2013}

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