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DL.org: Coordination Action on Digital Library Interoperability, Best Practices, and Modelling Foundations

Candela L, Castelli D, Nardi A, Thanos C

Digital Libraries  e-Infrastructures 

The goal of the DL.org project is to create a framework where key representatives from major initiatives and on-going Digital Library related projects may collaborate, discuss experiences, exchange expertise, work on interoperability of their solutions, promote shared standards, and provide the DL community with a deeper understanding of key issues and new directions. The ultimate objective will rapidly advance research and development techniques thus facilitating the creation of a European Information Space. In using the DELOS Digital Library Reference Model as its conceptual and operational basis, the project will be making an innovative attempt to achieve the above and obtain concrete and novel results that are much broader and further reaching than any other similar effort in the past. DL.org will be active at a crucial time by executing coordination actions that target the essence of integration amongst a series of many DL efforts that are currently on-going, each one acting in isolation and adopting ad-hoc solutions and methodologies. The main instrument of the project to promote interoperability among all relevant efforts consists of six thematic Working Groups composed by DL.org partners and representatives from prominent DL projects and organisations.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {DL.org: Coordination Action on Digital Library Interoperability, Best Practices, and Modelling Foundations},
	author = {Candela L and Castelli D and Nardi A and Thanos C},
	year = {2008}