Conference article  Open Access

Giochi didattici per bambini con bisogni educativi speciali

Buzzi M. C., Buzzi M., Perrone E., Senette C., Rapisarda B.

Accessibility  Inclusive games  Special-need children  Technology enhanced learning 

One of the main objectives of the "Città Educante" (Teaching city) Project is inclusive and accessible teaching for all. Technology-enhanced learning has the potential to foster children with special needs, maximizing their ability to improve communication, attention, memory, and fine motor skills. This paper describes a platform for delivering inclusive games designed for children with special needs such as learning disabilities, autism, and mild cognitive impairment.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Giochi didattici per bambini con bisogni educativi speciali},
	author = {Buzzi M.  C. and Buzzi M. and Perrone E. and Senette C. and Rapisarda B.},
	year = {2015}