Journal article  Open Access

Funnelling: A New Ensemble Method for Heterogeneous Transfer Learning and its Application to Cross-Lingual Text Classification

Esuli A., Moreo Fernandez A. D., Sebastiani F.

Computer Science - Machine Learning  Machine Learning (stat.ML)  Statistics - Machine Learning  Management and Accounting  Information Systems  Utility Theory  Information Retrieval (cs.IR)  Semi-automated Text Classification  FOS: Computer and information sciences  Computer Science - Information Retrieval  Computer Science Applications  Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)  General Business  E-discovery  Technology-Assisted Review  Machine Learning (cs.LG)  Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence 

Cross-lingual Text Classification(CLC) consists of automatically classifying, according to a common setCofclasses, documents each written in one of a set of languagesL, and doing so more accurately than when"naïvely" classifying each document via its corresponding language-specific classifier. In order to obtain anincrease in the classification accuracy for a given language, the system thus needs to also leverage the trainingexamples written in the other languages. We tackle "multilabel" CLC viafunnelling, a new ensemble learningmethod that we propose here. Funnelling consists of generating a two-tier classification system where alldocuments, irrespectively of language, are classified by the same (2nd-tier) classifier. For this classifier alldocuments are represented in a common, language-independent feature space consisting of the posteriorprobabilities generated by 1st-tier, language-dependent classifiers. This allows the classification of all testdocuments, of any language, to benefit from the information present in all training documents, of any language.We present substantial experiments, run on publicly available multilingual text collections, in which funnellingis shown to significantly outperform a number of state-of-the-art baselines. All code and datasets (in vectorform) are made publicly available.

Source: ACM transactions on information systems 37 (2019): 1–30. doi:10.1145/3326065

Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery,, New York, NY , Stati Uniti d'America

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Funnelling: A New Ensemble Method for Heterogeneous Transfer Learning and its Application to Cross-Lingual Text Classification},
	author = {Esuli A. and Moreo Fernandez A.  D. and Sebastiani F.},
	publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery,, New York, NY , Stati Uniti d'America},
	doi = {10.1145/3326065 and 10.48550/arxiv.1901.11459},
	journal = {ACM transactions on information systems},
	volume = {37},
	pages = {1–30},
	year = {2019}

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