Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R.
3D model 3D virtual reconstruction SoggettiPolychromy
The paper proposes our experience with the reconstruction of the ancient polychromy of the Roman sarcophagus dedicated to Ulpia Domnina (MNR-TD inv. no. 125891) through the use of open source digital technologies. In particular, MeshLab (an open source mesh processing tool) was used to better understand the styles and techniques used to apply the colour on the sarcophagus, and to create its virtual reconstruction; while Blender (an open source modelling and rendering tool) was used to render the different layers of paint and display their final effect. The combination of the two open-source software has also been tested on a selected area of the Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus that presents an interesting layering of colours. Their combination (necessary to overcome some of their intrinsic limitations) proved to be able to produce realistic results.
Source: Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica: VIII Edizione Catania 2013, pp. 210–219, Catania, Italy, 18-19/06/2013
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:345277, title = {MeshLab e Blender: software open source in supporto allo studio e alla ricostruzione virtuale della policromia antica}, author = {Siotto E. and Callieri M. and Dellepiane M. and Scopigno R.}, booktitle = {Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica: VIII Edizione Catania 2013, pp. 210–219, Catania, Italy, 18-19/06/2013}, year = {2016} }