Aldinucci M, Birke R, Brogi A, Carlini E, Coppola M, Danelutto M, Dazzi P, Ferrucci L, Forti S, Kavalionak H, Mencagli G, Mordacchini M, Pasin M, Paganelli F, Torquati M
Compute continuum Programming models Workflows
This paper proposes a continuum-aware programming model enabling the execution of application workflows across the compute continuum: cloud, fog and edge resources. It simplifies the management of heterogeneous nodes while alleviating the burden of programmers and unleashing innovation. This model optimizes the continuum through advanced development experiences by transforming workflows into autonomous service collaborations. It reduces complexity in positioning/interconnecting services across the continuum. A metamodel introduces high-level workflow descriptions as service networks with defined contracts and quality of service, thus enabling the deployment/management of workflows as first-class entities. It also provides automation based on policies, monitoring and heuristics. Tailored mechanisms orchestrate/manage services across the continuum, optimizing performance, cost, data protection and sustainability while managing risks. This model facilitates incremental development with visibility of design impacts and seamless evolution of applications and infrastructures. In this work, we explore this new computing paradigm showing how it can trigger the development of a new generation of tools to support the compute continuum progress.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:487353, title = {A proposal for a continuum-aware programming model: from workflows to services autonomously interacting in the compute continuum}, author = {Aldinucci M and Birke R and Brogi A and Carlini E and Coppola M and Danelutto M and Dazzi P and Ferrucci L and Forti S and Kavalionak H and Mencagli G and Mordacchini M and Pasin M and Paganelli F and Torquati M}, year = {2023} }