Journal article  Open Access

A marine information system for environmental monitoring: ARGO-MIS

Pieri G., Cocco M., Salvetti O.

Oil spill monitoring  Environmental decision support systems  Ocean Engineering  risk maps  Risk maps  proactive environmental monitoring  oil spill monitoring  Marine information system  Civil and Structural Engineering  environmental decision support systems  Proactive environmental monitoring  Water Science and Technology  marine information system 

Sea shipping routes have become very crowded and this, coupled with an always increasing demand of oil based products, contributes to the increase in maritime traffic density, as a consequence pollution risks have increased. Therefore, it is important to have information systems capable of detecting and monitoring environmental endangering situations like oil spills at sea. In this paper, a Marine Information System, acting as an integrated and inter-operable monitoring tool is proposed and discussed. The discussion focuses on a system that is able to integrate different data acquired from various electronic sensors, and that is inter-operable among marine operators and ship traffic authorities. The available data on the system are all geo-referenced, and flows seamlessly through the system, where they are integrated in a consistent and usable manner. An important result of this integration is the capability to produce a collection of proactive services such as Decision Support ones, which can be used to improve the functionalities and facilities concerned in an intervention operation. Through the implementation of these services, we aim to demonstrate how an efficient environmental management system could benefit from being supported by a Marine Information System that can provide the dynamic links between different data, models and actors.

Source: Journal of marine science and engineering 6 (2018). doi:10.3390/jmse6010015

Publisher: Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel

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BibTeX entry
	title = {A marine information system for environmental monitoring: ARGO-MIS},
	author = {Pieri G. and Cocco M. and Salvetti O.},
	publisher = {Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel },
	doi = {10.3390/jmse6010015},
	journal = {Journal of marine science and engineering},
	volume = {6},
	year = {2018}

Automatic Oil-Spill Recognition and Geopositioning integrated in a Marine Monitoring Network