Conference article  Open Access

A personalised virtual coach to counteract ageing decline: the H2020 NESTORE project

Guarneri M. R., Mastropietro A., Caon M., Maldonado Fernandez L., Furfari F., Andreoni G., Rizzo G.

Ageing  ICT  AAL  Virtual coach 

Ageing population is growing faster in EU. ICT can provide solutions forActive Ageing; however, the success of novel ICT solutions depends on the userperception of their efficacy to support toward health promotion and global wellness.In this context, the H2020 project NESTORE (Non-intrusive Empowering Solutionsand Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activity) will developan innovative, multidimensional, personalised e-coaching system to support healthyageing by: (1) Generating and sustaining motivation to take care of health; (2) Sug-gesting healthy nutrition and personalised physical and mental coaching, as well as social interaction, to prevent decline and preserve wellbeing. NESTORE started inSeptember 2017 and will last three years. It involves 16 partners from 7 European countries.

Source: ForItAAL 2018 - Forum Italiano Ambient Assisted Living, pp. 3–11, Lecce, Italy, 2-4 July, 2018


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BibTeX entry
	title = {A personalised virtual coach to counteract ageing decline: the H2020 NESTORE project},
	author = {Guarneri M. R. and Mastropietro A. and Caon M. and Maldonado Fernandez L. and Furfari F. and Andreoni G. and Rizzo G.},
	doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-05921-7_1 and 10.5281/zenodo.4530897 and 10.5281/zenodo.4530898},
	booktitle = {ForItAAL 2018 - Forum Italiano Ambient Assisted Living, pp. 3–11, Lecce, Italy, 2-4 July, 2018},
	year = {2019}

Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities