Contribution to conference  Open Access

Problematiche relative ad emissioni sonore di sorgenti musicali : alcuni casi di criticità

Bertini G., Magrini M., Tarabella L.

Misure fonometriche  Compressione range dinamico  Dose di rumore  LIFE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES  Sound and Music Computing 

For risks prevention caused by high noise exposure levels it has give off over time various laws regarding industry machinery and beyond. Appropriate rules also target the music industry: in fact, although musical sounds are agreable and different from the noise, in many cases are characterized by high volume levels, and can produce hearing damage to operators and audience. In our contribution we pay attention to certain situations and type of musical sources that can be dangerous.

Source: 2° Seminario Acustica e Industria. Certificazione acustica dei prodotti industriali, Ferrara, Italia, 11 febbraio 2016

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Problematiche relative ad emissioni sonore di sorgenti musicali : alcuni casi di criticità},
	author = {Bertini G. and Magrini M. and Tarabella L.},
	booktitle = {2° Seminario Acustica e Industria. Certificazione acustica dei prodotti industriali, Ferrara, Italia, 11 febbraio 2016},
	year = {2016}