Conference article  Unknown

An infrastructure for multimedia metadata management

Asirelli P., Martinelli M., Salvetti O.

H. Information Systems  Multimedia understanding 

This paper presents an approach for the integration of multimedia metadata and their management based on Semantic Web technology. In par-ticular, we propose a java-based Infrastructure for MultiMedia Metadata Man-agement - 4M - composed of five main components, an MPEG-7 feature proc-essing unit, an XML database management unit, an algorithms ontology-exploiting unit, a multimedia semantic annotation and integration units. This way, we intend to introduce the novel idea of managing also algorithms on a variety of multimedia metadata (audio, images and videos) to add the capability of tracking data processing. This work is mainly carried out in the framework of the European Network of Excellence MUSCLE (Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning), where ISTI-CNR is leading the 'Representation and Communication of Data and Metadata' Workpackage.

Source: First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM 2006), pp. 1, Edinburgh, 22/05/2006

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BibTeX entry
	title = {An infrastructure for multimedia metadata management},
	author = {Asirelli P. and Martinelli M. and Salvetti O.},
	booktitle = {First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM 2006), pp. 1, Edinburgh, 22/05/2006},
	year = {2006}