Journal article  Open Access

Detection of geometric temporal changes in point clouds

Palma G., Cignoni P., Boubekeur T., Scopigno R.

Computer Graphics  Point-based models  Shape modelling  Object scanning/acquisition  Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design  Point-based methods  Digital geometry processing 

Detecting geometric changes between two 3D captures of the same location performed at different moments is a critical operation for all systems requiring a precise segmentation between change and no-change regions. Such application scenarios include 3D surface reconstruction, environment monitoring, natural events management and forensic science. Unfortunately, typical 3D scanning setups cannot provide any one-to-one mapping between measured samples in static regions: in particular, both extrinsic and intrinsic sensor parameters may vary over time while sensor noise and outliers additionally corrupt the data. In this paper, we adopt a multi-scale approach to robustly tackle these issues. Starting from two point clouds, we first remove outliers using a probabilistic operator. Then, we detect the actual change using the implicit surface defined by the point clouds under a Growing Least Square reconstruction that, compared to the classical proximity measure, offers a more robust change/no-change characterization near the temporal intersection of the scans and in the areas exhibiting different sampling density and direction. The resulting classification is enhanced with a spatial reasoning step to solve critical geometric configurations that are common in man-made environments. We validate our approach on a synthetic test case and on a collection of real data sets acquired using commodity hardware. Finally, we show how 3D reconstruction benefits from the resulting precise change/no-change segmentation.

Source: Computer graphics forum (Print) 35 (2016): 33–45. doi:10.1111/cgf.12730

Publisher: Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford , Paesi Bassi

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Detection of geometric temporal changes in point clouds},
	author = {Palma G. and Cignoni P. and Boubekeur T. and Scopigno R.},
	publisher = {Basil Blackwell Publishers, Oxford , Paesi Bassi},
	doi = {10.1111/cgf.12730},
	journal = {Computer graphics forum (Print)},
	volume = {35},
	pages = {33–45},
	year = {2016}

Harvesting Dynamic 3D Worlds from Commodity Sensor Clouds