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2015 Contribution to conference Closed Access
The use of colour in roman marble sarcophagi
Siotto E.
This study aims to improve the knowledge of polychrome Roman sarcophagi by showing the first observations about the colour palette detected and the painting techniques by combining archaeological research with scientific results. These results are the base to understand the ancient colour and to improve the virtual reconstruction through the use of 3D Computer Graphic.Source: International Conference ASMOSIA XI, pp. 241–242, Split, 18-22/05/2015
Project(s): ARIADNE via OpenAIRE

See at: repozitorij.svkst.unist.hr Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Journal article Closed Access
Musealizzazione di un dipinto pompeiano: la Venere nella Conchiglia
Siotto E.
A careful analysis of some documents preserved in the Historical Archive of the Naples Archaeological Superintendence and the printed Guides of the Museum allows to recreate the museum itinerary of the so-called Venere nella Conchiglia (Venus in the Shell) mural painting from the Herculaneum Museum of Portici to the current location in the Gabinetto Segreto (Secret Cabinet) of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.Source: Rivista di studi pompeiani (Testo stamp.) XXVI-XXVII (2016): 73–83.

See at: www.lerma.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Contribution to book Restricted
Dallo stato di rudere alla realtà virtuale
Pingi P., Siotto E., Callieri M., Ferrara A., Scopigno R.
The chapter of the book "La Badia Camaldolese Volterra" reports the results obtained to the knowledge of preservation history of the Abbey church, through a deepening and integration of different knowledge fields. For this purpose, we have been used different data acquisition procedures, which have been specifically chosen to the investigated ancient building. They are supported through the study of historical and architectural features of the structure. This knowledge process was followed by a data processing step in order to manage and visualize the achieved results.Source: La Badia Camaldolese di Volterra, edited by Denise La Monica, pp. 227–243. Roma: Aracne, 2014
DOI: 10.4399/97888548795537

See at: bozze.aracneeditrice.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Sperimentazione del Sistema Ministeriale SICaR w/b per la gestione e la consultazione informatizzata dei dati sulla policromia
Siotto E., Baracchini C., Santamaria U., Scopigno R.
The need for integration and sharing of data on ancient polychromy requires common working methods and tools. This paper illustrates the first effort in this direction thanks to the testing of the web-based Information System documentation for the Restoration of Yards (SICaR) of Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MiBACT). This testing activity has generated some proposals of change that have been implemented to enable the archaeological and scientific information to document and manage the standardized data about the ancient polychromy in Cultural Heritage.Source: Archeologia e calcolatori 27 (2016): 131–151. doi:10.19282/AC.27.2016.07
DOI: 10.19282/ac.27.2016.07

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.insegnadelgiglio.it Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Book Closed Access
Usi e riusi di alcuni immobili storici in Toscana
Benassi L., La Monica D, Parri A., Siotto E., Callieri M., Pingi P., Scopigno R.
Il volume, esito del Progetto Artesalva (POR-FSE Regione Toscana 2007-2013), offre una riflessione sul tema del riuso, prendendo spunto da singoli esempi presenti in Toscana, riferibili a diverse tipologie architettoniche e a funzioni differenziate. Tra i casi analizzati la Certosa di Calci (Pisa), un complesso monastico certosino abbandonato dai padri negli anni Settanta del Novecento e oggi sede di due musei; la villa medicea L'Ambrogiana di Montelupo Fiorentino (Firenze), trasformata alla fine dell'Ottocento in manicomio e poi in ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario; la Rocca delle Verrucole a San Romano in Garfagnana (Lucca), sottoposta a partire dagli anni Ottanta del Novecento a interventi di recupero.Source: Roma: Aracne, 2015

See at: www.aracneeditrice.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Book Closed Access
La Badia camaldolese di Volterra
Benassi L., Callieri M., Ferrara A., Parri A., Pingi P, Scopigno R., Siotto E.
Il progetto ArTeSalVa ha preso in considerazione con un approccio multidisciplinare il patrimonio immobiliare pubblico di interesse storico-artistico, dedicando particolare attenzione ad alcuni edifici di notevoli dimensioni e in attuale condizione di sottoutilizzo presenti nel territorio toscano. L'obiettivo è stato quello di rimettere al centro del dibattito pubblico alcuni grandi complessi immobiliari, per interrogarsi sul loro futuro a partire dalla conoscenza della loro storia. Il presente volume offre un approfondimento sulla Badia Camaldolese di Volterra, non solo sulle fasi costruttive ed espansive, ma anche su aspetti forse meno indagati, come le frane, le alterazioni d'uso e il lungo dibattito otto e novecentesco sui modi di protezione e salvaguardia del complesso.Source: Roma: Aracne, 2015

See at: www.aracneeditrice.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2020 Contribution to book Closed Access
Una Loggia digitale al tempo del COVID-19
Palma G., Siotto E.
Il capitolo dopo aver illustrato il concepimento e l'evoluzione del progetto "Una loggia digitale per Raffaello e collaboratori in Villa Farnesina, Roma" per conto dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e del CNR-ISTI, descrive le fasi di progettazione e sviluppo del sistema digitale interattivo, come sono stati acquisiti i dati e come è stato creato il modello e, infine, offre una guida all'uso del sistema interattivo organizzato su due livelli di dettaglio (http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/farnesina/loggia/).Source: Raffaello in Villa Farnesina: Galatea e Psiche, edited by A. Sgamellotti, V. Lapenta, C. Anselmi, C. Seccaroni, pp. 89–96. Roma: Bardi Editore, 2020

See at: vcg.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2020 Contribution to book Closed Access
A digital Loggia at the time of COVID-19
Palma G., Siotto E.
The chapter starts illustrating the conception and evolution of the project "A digital loggia for Raphael and collaborators in Villa Farnesina, Rome" on behalf of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and ISTI-CNR. After it describes the design and development phases of the interactive digital system, how the data were acquired and how the model was created and, finally, offers a guide to the use of the interactive system organized on two levels of detail (http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/farnesina /loggia/).Source: Raphael in Villa Farnesina: Galatea and Psyche, edited by A. Sgamellotti, V. Lapenta, C. Anselmi, C. Seccaroni, pp. 91–98. Roma: Bardi Editore, 2020

See at: vcg.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Digitalizzazione 3D dei frammenti della statua di Athena e del fregio monumentale dell'Athenaion di Castro
Callieri M., Potenziani M., Siotto E.
Nell'ottobre 2021, diversi frammenti della statua di Athena e del fregio monumentale dell'Athenaion di Castro sono stati digitalizzati in modelli 3D a cura del Visual Computing Lab dell'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI), CNR. Il personale del laboratorio di ricerca, che si occupa di grafica 3D e di tecnologie digitali applicate ai beni culturali, ha lavorato presso i locali del museo archeologico e dei depositi del comune di Castro nel contesto del Programma di Accesso Molab 2021 del progetto E-RHIS.it.Source: ATHENAION - Tarantini, Messapi e altri nel Santuario di Atena a Castro, edited by Francesco D'Andria, Eva Degl'Innocenti, Maria Piera Caggia, Tommaso Ismaelli, Lorenzo Mancini, pp. 189–192. Bari: EDIPUGLIA, 2023

See at: edipuglia.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to book Restricted
Realizzazione del sistema interattivo 'Loggia digitale'
Siotto E., Palma G., Scopigno R.
The VC Lab has developed, in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Interactive Digital System of the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche within the exhibition 'The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche - Raffaello and Giovanni da Udine - Colours of Prosperity: Fruits from the Old and New World' Villa Farnesina, Rome April 20 - July 20 2017. The system allows access to the 'digital Loggia' and permits the visitor to navigate freely through the high-resolution panoramic image of the painted ceiling, to admire it from a closer point of view and to consult the results of historical, botanical and scientific analyses performed on the selected species. The system is available online and with an interactive kiosk in the Farnesina building.Source: La Loggia di Amore e Psiche - Raffaello e Giovanni da Udine - I colori della prosperità: Frutti dal Vecchio e Nuovo Mondo, pp. 74–77, 2017

See at: vcg.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to book Restricted
Development of the interactive system 'digital Loggia'
Siotto E., Palma G., Scopigno R.
The VC Lab has developed, in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Interactive Digital System of the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche within the exhibition 'The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche - Raffaello and Giovanni da Udine - Colours of Prosperity: Fruits from the Old and New World' Villa Farnesina, Rome April 20 - July 20 2017. The system allows access to the 'digital Loggia' and permits the visitor to navigate freely through the high-resolution panoramic image of the painted ceiling, to admire it from a closer point of view and to consult the results of historical, botanical and scientific analyses performed on the selected species. The system is available online and with an interactive kiosk in the Farnesina building.Source: The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche - Raffaello and Giovanni da Udine - Colours of prosperity: Fruits from the Old and New World, pp. 74–77, 2017

See at: vcg.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2012 Conference article Unknown
Knowledge, science and enhancement of historical decaying buildings in Tuscany. The ArTeSalVa project
Benassi L., Parri A., Siotto E., Callieri M., Pingi P., Scopigno R.
The "ArTeSalVa" project starts from the observation of the neglect and disuse of the historical public buildings in Italy, which have important architectural value. The project aims at studying the less known historical events regarding some decaying buildings in Tuscany and using 2D and 3D digitization modalities in order to map the current status, to track decay processes and to create effective tools for scientific and tourism visual communication. A significant case study is represented by the medieval Carthusia, in Calci near Pisa. The his-torical research is investigating the different ways in which the monastery was used and thus the most important changes introduced in it. The related digitized data are used to record the decay, highlight transformations and support planning of possible new uses of the areas that are not currently accessible to the public. The digital models are the instruments to document and present visually the scientific results.Source: 3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, pp. 1701–1710, Porto, Portugal, 19-22 June 2012

See at: CNR ExploRA

2015 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A multidisciplinary approach for the study and the virtual reconstruction of the ancient polychromy of Roman sarcophagi
Siotto E., Dellepiane M., Callieri M., Scopigno R., Gatziu C., Moscato A., Burgio L., Legnaioli S., Lorenzetti G., Palleschi V.
In this paper, we report a multidisciplinary approach for the analytic study and the reconstruction of the ancient colour used for Roman sarcophagi. For this purpose, we adopted the three-dimensional (3D) digital technology and found it to be a valuable tool for the identification, documentation and reconstruction of the ancient colour. This technology proved to be an excellent link between archaeological knowledge and scientific analyses. Therefore, 3D digital technologies would effectively facilitate the exchange of information and collaboration between experts in various disciplines. This is extremely important in order to obtain demonstrable results in a new area of study, such as polychrome Roman sarcophagi (and the ancient polychromy and gilding on the marble). In this study, the digital 3D model of Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus (National Roman Museum in Rome, inv. no. 125891) has been used to identify both the pigments and the techniques of application used, and to explore the potential of emerging technologies in the reconstruction and visualization of the ancient colour.Source: Journal of cultural heritage 16 (2015): 307–314. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2014.05.011
DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2014.05.011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | Journal of Cultural Heritage Restricted | www.sciencedirect.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Conference article Restricted
The Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus: preliminary report about the use of digital 3D model for the study and reconstruction of the polychromy
Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R.
This work documents the current condition of the polychromy of a Roman marble sarcophagus, and proposes a reconstruction hypothesis of its original state. The sarcophagus inv. no. 125891 of the Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano has been chosen since the state of preservation of its ancient colour can reveal the original painting techniques. As a part of this work, a high-resolution digital 3D model of the artefact has been obtained using a triangulation laser scanner. Moreover, a photographic campaign has been performed for the acquisition of the surface appearance (colour). The resulting sampled data have been processed and integrated using the MeshLab open source tool, to obtain a faithful representation of the current state of the artefact. This digital model has been integrated in the pipeline of a project which main aims are: to clarify the pigments and techniques used, and to explore the potentialities of emerging technologies for the reconstruction and presentation of the ancient colour.Source: ASMOSIA X - Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones In Antiquity. Tenth International Conference Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone, pp. 911–922, Roma, Italy, 21-26 May 2012

See at: digital.casalini.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Ancient polychromy: study and virtual reconstruction using open source tools
Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R.
Digital reconstruction of ancient polychromy is a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of archaeological and architectural heritage documentation. It has emerged as a result of new interest in the experimental archaeology and the technological development of computer graphic tools. Therefore, this article presents a project aimed at the scientific reconstruction of the original polychromy and the realistic rendering of an ancient sarcophagus, obtained with the use of some open source tools. In particular, starting from the accurate study of a polychrome Roman sarcophagus (National Roman Museum in Rome, inv. no. 125891), we show how the MeshLab tool was used to support the polychrome reconstruction stage and how Blender (or, rather, a combination of MeshLab and Blender) was used to achieve a more sophisticated visual presentation of the current and reconstruction ancient colour. A central role has been given to the rendering of different and overlapped layers of paint.Source: ACM journal on computing and cultural heritage (Print) 8 (2015). doi:10.1145/2739049
DOI: 10.1145/2739049

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Conference article Open Access OPEN
MeshLab e Blender: software open source in supporto allo studio e alla ricostruzione virtuale della policromia antica
Siotto E., Callieri M., Dellepiane M., Scopigno R.
The paper proposes our experience with the reconstruction of the ancient polychromy of the Roman sarcophagus dedicated to Ulpia Domnina (MNR-TD inv. no. 125891) through the use of open source digital technologies. In particular, MeshLab (an open source mesh processing tool) was used to better understand the styles and techniques used to apply the colour on the sarcophagus, and to create its virtual reconstruction; while Blender (an open source modelling and rendering tool) was used to render the different layers of paint and display their final effect. The combination of the two open-source software has also been tested on a selected area of the Ulpia Domnina's sarcophagus that presents an interesting layering of colours. Their combination (necessary to overcome some of their intrinsic limitations) proved to be able to produce realistic results.Source: Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica: VIII Edizione Catania 2013, pp. 210–219, Catania, Italy, 18-19/06/2013

See at: www.archaeopress.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2017 Book Open Access OPEN
La policromia sui sarcofagi Romani. Catalogo e risultati Scientifici (foreword by Guntram Koch)
Siotto E.
La monografia si occupa della policromia sui sarcofagi romani in marmo prodotti a Roma dall'inizio del II secolo alla fine del IV secolo d.C. Essa affronta in modo sistematico le problematiche del colore e della doratura per temi, in modo discorsivo, ma sempre da un punto di vista tecnico e pragmatico, riportando risultati e dati derivanti da osservazioni sul campo, da analisi scientifiche unite a ricerche archivio-bibliografiche mediante l' uso di tecnologie emergenti in supporto all' iter corrente. Per la prima volta, lo studio della policromia è affrontato in modo nuovo e la ricerca si è concentrata esclusivamente su una classe specifica di manufatti archeologici. Questo approccio, naturalmente, non toglie al testo del manoscritto un' ampia e complementare disamina dei materiali studiati sotto il profilo storico-archeologico. In tal modo, la ricerca si configura per la sua transdisciplinarità costituendo, per la materia in oggetto, un prodotto pionieristico, quindi innovativo per contenuti e metodo.Source: Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2017

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.lerma.it Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Identification of gilding techniques on Roman marble sarcophagi
Siotto E.
Several Roman marble sarcophagi (2nd-4th centuries AD) have been investigated in a first systematic research effort to detect (pigments and) gilding techniques employed in the Imperial Rome. A comparative study was performed on a conspicuous group (no. eighty) of Roman sarcophagi identified in the Vatican Museums, the Capitoline Museums and the National Roman Museum collections. A focused in situ campaign of non-invasive analytical investigations have performed by multispectral imaging, spectroscopic and elemental analysis, followed by aimed micro-invasive techniques. As for the main issue of the gilding and its application techniques, the microscopy still remains one of the most efficient tools for their characterization. Therefore, some micro-samples of three sarcophagi chosen as case studies were examined by means of optical petrographic microscopy (OPM) and scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS). The results of archaeological data and scientific analyses show that the leaf gold was applied by two different techniques. In the most attested method, the gold leaf was applied on a ground layer of colour (yellow and/or red ochre, Egyptian blue, etc.); on the other hand, in the other technique, the gold leaf was applied directly onto the marble surface or more probably on top of a thin ground layer of kaolin.Source: Journal of cultural heritage 38 (2019): 186–194. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2018.11.017
DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2018.11.017

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | Journal of Cultural Heritage Restricted | www.sciencedirect.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2013 Doctoral thesis Unknown
Nuove tecnologie per lo studio della policromia sui sarcofagi romani: proposte per una standardizzazione metodologica
Siotto E.
L'obiettivo principale di questa ricerca consiste nella definizione di un metodo analitico per arrivare a conoscere i pigmenti, le tecniche di stesura e di applicazione del colore e della doratura sui sarcofagi romani di produzione urbana mediante l'impiego di tecnologie digitali. In particolare questo studio, oltre a un lavoro di analisi puntuale e di catalogazione secondo norme standardizzate dei sarcofagi policromi conservati presso i Musei Vaticani, il Museo Nazionale Romano e i Musei Capitolini, si propone di sperimentare alcuni software open source e di suggerire le modifiche da apportare al fine di renderli un efficace ausilio per lo studio della policromia antica. Infatti, come le architetture e le sculture greche e romane, anche i sarcofagi erano stati pensati e realizzati tenendo in considerazione l'aspetto cromatico: un'unione di tinte differenti donava presumibilmente gradazione ai fondi e restituiva ai rilievi una maggiore plasticità, naturalezza e armonia compositiva.

See at: etd.adm.unipi.it | CNR ExploRA

2020 Contribution to book Unknown
Il rilievo 3D per la caratterizzazione morfologica dell'opera di Raffaello
Pingi P., Siotto E., Palma G.
Tra le analisi diagnostiche non invasive effettuate in supporto al restauro della tavola raffigurante Papa Leone X de' Medici tra i cardinali Giulio de Medici e Luigi de' Rossi di Raffaello è stato eseguito un rilievo tridimensionale (3D) dell'intera opera. Il rilievo 3D, oltre ad essere usato per effettuare misure sulla forma della superficie ed essere un valido supporto per la conoscenza e lo studio dell'opera, si configura anche come un efficace mezzo per monitorarne lo stato di conservazione nel tempo. In questo caso, l'acquisizione 3D era volta alla valutazione della deformazione del supporto ligneo e allo studio del deterioramento della superficie pittorica. Per tale motivo l'intera opera (fronte, retro e bordi) è stata acquisita con un passo di campionamento medio pari a 0.3 mm. Alcune zone sono state acquisite anche ad una risoluzione di 0.16 mm al fine di mettere a punto un metodo automatico in grado di evidenziare le micro-fratture dello strato pittorico.Source: Raffaello e il ritorno del Papa Medici: restauri e scoperte sul Ritratto di Leone X con i due cardinali, edited by Marco Ciatti, Eike D. Schmidt, pp. 145–149. Firenze: Edifir - Edizioni Firenze s.r.l., 2020

See at: CNR ExploRA