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2014 Conference article Unknown
Oil spills detection through a marine environment monitoring system
Moroni D., Pieri G., Salvetti O., Tampucci M.
The ability to detect and monitor oil spills at sea is becoming more and more important due to the high demand of oil based products and to the increase in maritime traffic density. Remote sensing frameworks have been proved to yield accurate results in the case of major events; nonetheless also medium and micro oil spills are of their own importance, especially in protected areas that deserve special attention. In this paper, we propose a monitoring framework based on the collection of in-situ observations and on their integration with remote sensing in order to fill out existing observational gaps. A risk assessment model is included for providing environmental decision support and for generating alerts in case of potentially dangerous situations. Field operational tests in an area of great environmental interest demonstrate the technical validity of the approach.Source: IBIMET 2014 - Fifth International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: problems and measurement techniques, pp. 440–448, Livorno, Italy, 17-19 June 2014

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2014 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Thesaurus: un database per il patrimonio culturale sommerso
La Monica D., Costa S., Pace G., Martinelli M., Salvetti O., Tampucci M., Righi M.
Thesaurus Project aims at promoting the knowledge of the underwater cultural heritage, ancient and modern, through the application of several typologies of tools: underwater autonomous vehicles, which will be able to explore the sea bottom in teams communicating with each other; a database, which will be useful to store and manage all the information referring to archaeological or historical objects, shipwrecks and sites. This paper aims to explain the logic structure of the database indicating the particular needs of the research, the different typologies of items which have to be managed (archaeological and historical objects; ancient, medieval or modern shipwrecks; underwater sites; written or figurative sources, etc.), the relation with other similar databases and projects. The main task of this part of Thesaurus is to plan and organize an IT system, which will allow archaeologists to describe information in detail, in order to make an efficient managing and retrieving data system available.Source: Archeologia e calcolatori 25 (2014): 51–69.

See at: www.progettocaere.rm.cnr.it Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Other Unknown
Spectrum extraction from slitless spectrographic images
Salerno E., Bedini L.
Motivated by the data analysis needs emerging from the ESA's cosmological mission Euclid, a linear noiseless model is introduced for a grism-generated slitless spectrographic image. A first-attempt strategy to spectrum deconvolution and decontamination is then suggested, neglecting the typical errors affecting this type of data, while trying to control the severe ill-posedness of the original problem. Three standard approaches are applied on a toy photometry, in order to have an idea on the solutions to be expected: the Moore-Penrose pseudoinversion, the standard Tikhonov regularization, and the preconditioned-projected Landweber iterative method.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
ITACA - Esperimenti su un metodo di watermarking robusto per il progetto ITACA
Salerno E.
This document is part of Deliverable R6.1, Project ITACA (POR FSE Calabria 2007-2013): Evaluation report on several classes of invisible watermarking related to the Project goals. Some properties and application results are analysed for a watermarking algorithm already introduced elsewhere in this Deliverable.

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2014 Report Open Access OPEN
WP1-CNR-ISTI - Ricostruzione di reti di regolazione genica da dati trascrittomici
Caudai C.
Some recently proposed approaches to identify genetic regulatory mechanisms from sequencing experiments are briefly described. Since gene expression is influenced by biologica processes in the cell, and both the processes and the related transcription factors are largely unknown, many attempts have been made to solve this problem by blind source separation techniques. We analyse some of these approaches, each based on a linear data model.Source: Project report, Bandiera InterOmics, 2014

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
Progettazione e realizzazione di applicazioni Web integrate in un portale accessibile
Righi M.
Per svolgere l'attività relativa all'assegno di ricerca è stato scelto di utilizzare software freeware e Open Source con il fine di promuovere lo stesso e di contenere i costi dello sviluppo. Durante lo studio delle applicazioni Web da integrare è stata individuata la necessità di avere applicazioni per la gestione dei contenuti, del personale, dei processi decisionali, della pubblicazione dei risultati ecc. L'integrazione delle applicazioni studiate per risolvere le necessità individuate ha portato ad una strategia di sviluppo che, abbracciando la filosofia del software freeware, Open Source e applicando le regole della riusabilità, conduce naturalmente a gestire un insieme di ambienti disomogenei, non integrati. Infatti, i software freeware ed Open Source sono strumenti per risolvere specifiche esigenze ed è nelle mani dello studioso capire come integrarli e riuscire a realizzare uno strumento omogeneo e accessibile. Ecco quindi che nasce l'esigenza di unire alla flessibilità di questi software l'integrazione tra i servizi. Da questo punto di vista inizia il lavoro di seguito descritto.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
Progetto dei sistemi di controllo di un ROV-AUV
Righi M.
Questo documento presenta un modello per l'implementazione del sistema di comunicazione di un ROV-AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - remotely operated underwater vehicle) e la distribuzione del calcolo.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
Studio delle tecnologie di archiviazione sui supporti ottici e nella ricerca sui sistemi di archiviazione per archivi di dimensioni medio-piccole
Righi M.
Il report descrive lo studio dei supporti ottici è stato finalizzato a verificarne l'affidabilità come memoria permanente negli archivi medio piccoli.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
Controllore per un set di motori di un ROV-AUV
Righi M.
Questo documento descrive la progettazione di un sistema embedded per il controllo di motori pilotati tramite il protocollo PWM ESC o tramite interfaccia seriale RS232.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

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2014 Report Open Access OPEN
Ricostruzione tridimensionale della struttura della cromatina da dati tipo Chromosome Conformation Capture. Nota riservata, progetto InterOmics
Caudai C.
This document reports part of the WP1-ISTI unit activity in the framework of the national Flagship Project InterOmics, on the 3D chromatin structure analysis from Hi-C experiments. Compared with other methods presented in the literature, our approach uses a new solution model incorporating sound prior knowledge, and a new reconstruction criterion that does not require an explicit translation of the Hi-C data into Euclidean distances between pairs of genomic loci. This approach also allows us to solve the problem in a multiscale setting, by reconstructing significant fragments separately at high resolution and then putting them together through the same criterion applied to lower-resolution data.Source: Project report, Bandiera InterOmics, 2014

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
ACQUASENSE - Analisi e sviluppo sperimentale di un modello del sistema per la rivelazione di anomalie
Scozzari A., Doveri M., Menichini M., Lelli M., Raco B.
This deliverable illustrates the methodology developed in order to synthesize datasets, which are peculiar to the behaviour of the natural system in its standard conditions.Synthetic data have been generated by means of: i) the hydrogeological model developed in WP2.10; ii)past datasets; iii) environmental parameters.Source: Project report, ACQUASENSE, Deliverable D3.8.2, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
SHREC'14 Track: Retrieval and Classification on Textured 3D Models
Biasotti S., Cerri A., Abdelrahman M., Aono M., Ben Hamza A., El-Melegy M., Farag A., Garro V., Giachetti D., Giorgi D., Godil A., Li C., Liu Y., Martono H., Sanada C., Tatsuma A., Velasco-Forero S., Xu C.
This paper reports the results of the SHREC'14 track: Retrieval and classification on textured 3D models, whose goal is to evaluate the performance of retrieval algorithms when models vary either by geometric shape or texture, or both. The collection to search in is made of 572 textured mesh models, having a two-level classification based on geometry and texture. Together with the dataset, a training set of 96 models was provided. The track saw eight participants and the submission of 22 runs, to either the retrieval or the classification contest, or both. The evaluation results show a promising scenario about textured 3D retrieval methods, and reveal interesting insights in dealing with texture information in the CIELab rather than in the RGB colour space.Source: Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (2014), pp. 111–120, Strasbourg, France, April 6, 2014
DOI: 10.2312/3dor.20141057

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
Real time system for gesture tracking in psycho-motorial rehabilitation
Magrini M., Pieri G.
In the context of the research activities of the Signal and Images Lab of ISTI-CNR, a system is under development for real-time gesture tracking, to be used in active well-being self-assessment activities and in particular applied to medical coaching and music-therapy. The system uses a video camera, a FireWire digitalization board, and a computer running own developed software. During the test sessions a person freely moves his body inside a specifically designed room. The developed algorithms can extrapolate features from the human figure, such us spatial position, arms and legs angles etc. Through the developed system the operator can link these features to sounds synthesized in real time, following a predefined schema. The system latency is very low thanks to the use of Mac OS X native libraries (CoreImage, CoreAudio). The resulting augmented interaction with the environment could help to improve the contact with reality in young subjects affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASD).Source: HEALTHINF 2014 - 7th International Conference on Health Informatics - Special session on Signals and Signs Understanding for Personalized Guidance to Promote Healthy Lifestyles, pp. 563–568, Eseo, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 3-6 March 2014
DOI: 10.5220/0004937205630568

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.scitepress.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
SuperResolution-aided recognition of cytoskeletons in scanning probe microscopy images
D'Acunto M., Colantonio S., Righi M., Salvetti O.
In this paper, we discuss the possibility to adopt SuperResolution (SR) methods as an important preparatory step to Pattern Recognition, so as to improve the accuracy of image content recognition and identification. Actually, SR mainly deals with the task of deriving a high-resolution image from one or multiple low resolution images of the same scene. The high-resolved image corresponds to a more precise image whose content is enriched with information hidden among the pixels of the original low resolution image(s), and corresponds to a more faithfully representation of the imaged scene. Such enriched content obviously represents a better sample of the scene which can be profitably used by Pattern Recognition algorithms. A real application scenario is discussed dealing with the recognition of cell skeletons in Scanning ProbeMicroscopy (SPM) single image SR. Results show that the SR allows us to detect and recognize important information barely visible in the original low-resolution image.Source: ICPRAM 2014 - 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Angers, France, 6-8 March 2014
DOI: 10.5220/0004830407030709

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.scitepress.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Wize sniffer. A new portable device designed for selective olfaction
D'Acunto M., Benassi A., Chiellini F., Germanese D., Ishak R., Magrini M., Pagliei E., Paradisi P., Righi M., Salvetti O.
Digital semeiotics is one of the newest recent challenges for assessing a number of computational descriptors to atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases that are leading causes of mortality worldwide. These descriptors can be expressed involving (i) morphometric, biometrics and colorimetric of the face; (ii) spectroscopic analysis of skin and iris, of sub-cutaneous substances and the function of subcutaneous tissues, and (iii) compositional analysis of breath and exhaled. In this paper, we describe the design and functionality of the Wize Sniffer (WS), a new portable device for breath analysis limited to an effective number of substances. Within the SEMEOTICON Project by the WS, we intend a hardware/software tool for both the analysis of volatile organic compounds of breath and a platform for data mining and data integration. The WS should be able to provide useful information about the "breathprint", i.e., the analog of fingerprint for the state of health of an individual.Source: BIOSTEC 2014 - 7th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Special Session SUPERHEAL 2014, pp. 577–582, Angers, France, 3-6 March 2014
DOI: 10.5220/0004938605770582

See at: doi.org Open Access | www.scitepress.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
Calcolo della funzione di trasferimento della luce che attraversa uno specchio one-way
Righi M., Martinelli M., Benassi A., Chimenti M., Magrini M., Colantonio S., Salvetti O.
Questo documento descrive: un generico sistema di acquisizione dello spettro di un'immagine la calibrazione di uno spettroscopio analogico il calcolo della funzione di trasferimento della luce che attraversa uno specchio one-waySource: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
ARROWS - Development of an interactive mixed reality environment for virtual exploration of archaeological sites - First release
Reggiannini M., Tampucci M., Magrini M., Moroni D., Pascali M. A., Righi M., Giorgi D.
This document describes a software prototype implementing an immersive virtual environment for the fruition of data captured in ARROWS experimental campaigns. This is the result of the design and development activity related to Work Package 5 "Tools for fruition of archaeological items and sites". The report includes the criteria to be followed during the phases of the project as concerns the methods and the tools aimed at developing a proper platform for fruition purpose. The main target of the activity described in this document is to provide the generic user with the chance of replicating the underwater survey experience and the discovery of sunken archaeological sites. Recreating a scene involves the merging of different technologies and technical skills: from the processing of raw experimental data to produce a 3D point cloud, passing through the manipulation of the 3D meshes to obtain a model simulating to the best the real 3D object properties, ending with the composition of a hybrid scenery containing both the true captured data fused together with simulated data. The latter stage requires the operator to be strongly skilled in properly processing the often corrupted data coming from the experimental campaigns, but also to be endowed with an "artistic" quality, necessary to develop a fine and realistic reproduction of the real environment. The first draft of the simulated environment described in section 4, has been implemented by employing tools currently made available by the graphics open source community (Irrlicht). We aim at updating the simulated scene by exploiting advanced software (Unity, Unreal engine), in order to refine the models and add informative content to the scene.Source: Project report, ARROWS, Deliverable D5.2, 2014
Project(s): ARROWS via OpenAIRE

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2014 Report Unknown
Progetto ITACA - Codici di watermarking
Salerno E.
This document integrates Deliverable R6.2 of Project ITACA (POR FSE Calabria 2007-2013): Multispectral Image Watermarking Software Prototype. It contains the last versione of the Octave language (v3.2.4) codes developed and tested in accordance with the project's goals, which will be used to build the Gimp plugin tools that will be integrated in the final image management system.Source: Project report, ITACA, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
ITACA - Rapporto di valutazione su vantaggi e svantaggi delle diverse classi di tecniche di watermarking invisibile in relazione agli scopi del progetto
Salerno E.
This report contains three separate documents: state of the art in digital watermarking; assessment of two different methods for robust and invisible watermarking; experiments on the method chosen for project ITACA. These three parts have been archived as confidential reports 2013-PR-005, 2013-PR-004, and 2014-PR-001, respectively, in the ISTI-CNR publication management system. The coarsest classification of watermarking includes space-domain and transformed-domain methods. ITACA's need to watermark multi-channel images also entails a choice of a specific algorithm that maintains robustness and transparency in both the entire data cube and any part thereof, depending on the intended use of the data. After a general assessment, two methods have been selected that are suitable for ITACA, one working in the space domain and one working in the singular vector domain. After the first experiments, the algorithm in the space domain has been chosen to be examined more in depth. The result of this further study is an algorithm that has already been proposed in the literature, slightly modified to be used at ITACA's purposes of color/multispectral data images. The extraction procedure, in particular, does not rely on ICA techniques.Source: Project report, ITACA, 2014

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Journal article Restricted
Boron nitride nanotube-functionalised myoblast/microfibre constructs: a nanotech-assisted tissue engineered platform for muscle stimulation
Danti S., Ciofani G., Pertici G., Moscato S., D'Alessandro D., Ciabatti E., Chiellini F., D'Acunto M., Mattoli V., Berrettini S.
In this communication, we introduce boron nitride nanotube (BNNT)-functionalised muscle cell/microfibre mesh constructs, obtained via tissue engineering, as a three-dimensional (3D) platform to study a wireless stimulation system for electrically responsive cells and tissues. Our stimulation strategy exploits the piezoelectric behaviour of some classes of ceramic nanoparticles, such as BNNTs, able to polarize under mechanical stress, e.g. using low-frequency ultrasound (US). In the microfibre scaffolds, C2C12 myoblasts were able to differentiate into viable myotubes and to internalize BNNTs, also upon US irradiation, so as to obtain a nanotech-assisted 3D in vitro model. We then tested our stimulatory system on 2D and 3D cellular models by investigating the expression of connexin 43(Cx43), as a molecule involved in cell crosstalk and mechanotransduction, and myosin, as a myogenic differentiation marker. Cx43 gene expression revealed a marked model dependency. In control samples (without US and/or BNNTs), Cx43 was upregulated under 2D culture conditions (10.78±1.05-fold difference). Interactions with BNNTs increased Cx43 expression in 3D samples. Cx43 mRNA dropped in 2D under the 'BNNTs+US' regimen, while it was best enhanced in 3D samples (3.58±1.05 vs 13.74±1.42-fold difference, p=0.0001). At the protein level, the maximal expressions of Cx43 and myosin were detected in the 3D model. In contrast with the 3D model, in 2D cultures, BNNTs and US exerted a synergistic depletive effect upon myosin synthesis. These findings indicate that model dimensionality and stimulatory regimens can strongly affect the responses of signalling and differentiation molecules, proving the importance of developing proper in vitro platforms for biological modelling.Source: Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (2014). doi:10.1002/term.1878
DOI: 10.1002/term.1878

See at: Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Restricted | onlinelibrary.wiley.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA