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2024 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Pupil data upon stimulation by auditory stimuli
Davide La Rosa, Luca Bruschini, Maria Paola Tramonti Fantozzi, Paolo Orsini, Mario Milazzo, Antonino Crivello
Source: DATA, vol. 9 (issue 3)
Project(s): Apure - Audiometry with pupil response

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | www.mdpi.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2024 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Bluetooth dataset for proximity detection in indoor environments collected with smartphones
Girolami M., La Rosa D., Barsocchi P.
This paper describes a data collection experiment and the resulting dataset based on Bluetooth beacon messages collected in an indoor museum. The goal of this dataset is to study algorithms and techniques for proximity detection between people and points of interest (POI). To this purpose, we release the data we collected during 32 museum's visits, in which we vary the adopted smartphones and the visiting paths. The smartphone is used to collect Bluetooth beacons emitted by Bluetooth tags positioned nearby each POI. The visiting layout defines the order of visit of 10 artworks. The combination of different smartphones, the visiting paths and features of the indoor museum allow experiencing with realistic environmental conditions. The dataset comprises RSS (Received Signal Strength) values, timestamp and artwork identifiers, as long as a detailed ground truth, reporting the starting and ending time of each artwork's visit. The dataset is addressed to researchers and industrial players interested in further investigating how to automatically detect the location or the proximity between people and specific points of interest, by exploiting commercial technologies available with smartphone. The dataset is designed to speed up the prototyping process, by releasing an accurate ground truth annotation and details concerning the adopted hardware.Source: DATA IN BRIEF, vol. 53
Project(s): Project Tuscany Health Ecosystem, Recupero di Sistemi Informativi STOrico-artistici per una rinnovata comunicazione del patrimonio

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Restricted
THE D.3.2.1 - AA@THE User needs, technical requirements and specifications
Pratali L, Campana M G, Delmastro F, Di Martino F, Pescosolido L, Barsocchi P, Broccia G, Ciancia V, Gennaro C, Girolami M, Lagani G, La Rosa D, Latella D, Magrini M, Manca M, Massink M, Mattioli A, Moroni D, Palumbo F, Paradisi P, Paternò F, Santoro C, Sebastiani L, Vairo C
Deliverable D3.2.1 del progetto PNRR Ecosistemi ed innovazione - THE

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2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
IoT smart shoe solution for neuromuscular disease monitoring
La Rosa D, Palumbo F, Ronca A, Sansone F, Tesconi M, Tonacci A, Conte R
Recent advances in sensing, processing, and learning of physiological parameters, make the development of non-invasive health monitoring systems increasingly effective, especially in those situations that need particular attention to the usability of devices and software solutions due to the frailty of the target population. In this context, we developed a sensorized shoe that detects significant features in subjects' gait and monitors variations related to an intervention protocol in people affected by Neuromuscular Disorders (NMDs). This paper outlines the challenges in the field and summarizes the approach used to overcome the technological barriers related to connectivity, deployment, and usability that are typical in a medical setting. The proposed solution adopts the new paradigm offered by Web Bluetooth based on Bluetooth WebSocket. We show the architectural and deployment choices and how this solution can be easily adapted to different devices and scenarios.Source: LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING (INTERNET), pp. 104-115. Thessaloniki, Greece, 12-14/12/2022

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Enerduino-pro: smart meter led probe using Arduino
Potortì F., La Rosa D., Palumbo F.
Non-intrusive load monitoring of domestic appliances has received steady interest in the last twenty years, first because of interest from energy companies interested in usage statistics for power balancing and, more recently, in order to assist users in tuning their habits for reduced power consumption. This has increased the need for accurate and economic methods of power measurement that can be efficiently implemented on cheap and easy-to-install platforms. To this end, we present a cheap and efficient device based on Arduino to monitor the usage of domestic appliances in real-time: Enerduino-pro. The design uses low-cost easy-to-assemble open-source electronic components and consists of four main parts: an Arduino UNO microcontroller, one photoresistor to measure instantaneous power absorption plus one optional additional one to measure reactive power, a WiFi shield, and an LED (for debugging purposes only). We describe the device, complete with open software and hardware specifications, and different use cases with proof-of-concept solutions.Source: HARDWAREX, vol. 15

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
On the analysis of body orientation for indoor positioning with BLE 5.1 direction finding
Mavilia F, Barsocchi P, Furfari F, La Rosa D, Girolami M
The last decade showed a clear technological trend toward the adoption of heterogeneous source of information, combined with data-fusion strategies to increase the performance of indoor localization systems. In this respect, the adoption of short-range network protocols such as WiFi and Bluetooth represent a common approach. We investigate, in this work, the use of Bluetooth 5.1 Direction Finding specification to test an indoor localization system solely based on the estimated Angle of Arrival (AoA) between an anchor and a receiver. We first detail our experimental data collection campaign and the adopted hardware. Then, we study not only the accuracy of the estimated angles on two reference planes but also the localization error introduced with the proposed algorithm by varying the body orientation of the target user, namely North, South, West, Est. Experimental results in a real-world indoor environment show an average localization error of 2.08m with only 1 anchor node and 5° of AoA' error for all 28 monitored locations. We also identify regions in which the AoA estimation rapidly decreases, giving rise to the possibility of identifying the boundaries of the adopted technology.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A CrowdSensing-based approach for proximity detection in indoor museums with bluetooth tags
Girolami M, La Rosa D, Barsocchi P
In this work, we investigate the performance of a proximity detection system for visitors in an indoor museum exploiting data collected from the crowd. More specifically, we propose a CrowdSensing-based technique for proximity detection. Users' smartphones can collect and upload RSS (Received Signal Strength) values of nearby Bluetooth tags to a backend server, together with some context-information. In turn, the collected data are elaborated with the goal of calibrating two proximity detection algorithms: a range-based and a learning-based algorithm. We embed the algorithms with R-app, a visiting museum application tested in the Monumental Cemetery's museum located in Piazza dei Miracoli, Pisa (IT). We detail in this work an experimental campaign to measure the performance improvements of the CrowdSensing approach with respect to state-of-the-art algorithms widely adopted in the field of proximity detection. Experimental results show a clear improvement of the performance when data from the crowd are exploited with the proposed architecture.Source: AD HOC NETWORKS, vol. 154

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Restricted
ChAALenge D6.3 - Integrazione in laboratorio e analisi delle prestazioni
Bacco F. M., Baronti P., Barsocchi P., Belli D., Crivello A., Furfari F., Girolami M., La Rosa D., Mavilia F., Miori V., Palumbo F., Potortì F., Russo D.
Report di laboratorio di analisi dei risultati dell’integrazione e indagine prestazionale sul framework integrato contenente: (i) Risultati attinenti alla validità dei dati acquisiti dal framework, al fine del loro efficiente utilizzo da parte degli algoritmi sviluppati; (ii) Risultati riguardanti la correttezza, completezza e affidabilità dell’esito della sperimentazione sia in laboratorio sia sul campo e relativi alla valutazione prestazionale del software di sistema.Project(s): ChAALenge

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Experimental assessment of cuff pressures on the walls of a trachea-like model using force sensing resistors: insights for patient management in intensive care unit settings
Crivello A., Milazzo M., La Rosa D., Fiacchini G., Danti S., Guarracino F., Berrettini S., Bruschini L.
The COVID-19 outbreak has increased the incidence of tracheal lesions in patients who underwent invasive mechanical ventilation. We measured the pressure exerted by the cuff on the walls of a test bench mimicking the laryngotracheal tract. The test bench was designed to acquire the pressure exerted by endotracheal tube cuffs inflated inside an artificial model of a human trachea. The experimental protocol consisted of measuring pressure values before and after applying a maneuver on two types of endotracheal tubes placed in two mock-ups resembling two different sized tracheal tracts. Increasing pressure values were used to inflate the cuff and the pressures were recorded in two different body positions. The recorded pressure increased proportionally to the input pressure. Moreover, the pressure values measured when using the non-armored (NA) tube were usually higher than those recorded when using the armored (A) tube. A periodic check of the cuff pressure upon changing the body position and/or when performing maneuvers on the tube appears to be necessary to prevent a pressure increase on the tracheal wall. In addition, in our model, the cuff of the A tube gave a more stable output pressure on the tracheal wall than that of the NA tube.Source: SENSORS (BASEL), vol. 22 (issue 2)

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.mdpi.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A sensing platform to monitor sleep efficiency
Crivello A., La Rosa D., Wilhelm E., Palumbo F.
Sleep plays a fundamental role in the human life. Sleep research is mainly focused on the understanding of the sleep patterns, stages and duration. An accurate sleep monitoring can detect early signs of sleep deprivation and insomnia consequentially implementing mechanisms for preventing and overcoming these problems. Recently, sleep monitoring has been achieved using wearable technologies, able to analyse also the body movements, but old people can encounter some difficulties in using and maintaining these devices. In this paper, we propose an unobtrusive sensing platform able to analyze body movements, infer sleep duration and awakenings occurred along the night, and evaluating the sleep efficiency index. To prove the feasibility of the suggested method we did a pilot trial in which several healthy users have been involved. The sensors were installed within the bed and, on each day, each user was administered with the Groningen Sleep Quality Scale questionnaire to evaluate the user's perceived sleep quality. Finally, we show potential correlation between a perceived evaluation with an objective index as the sleep efficiency.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Sensing devices for detecting and processing acoustic signals in healthcare
Mallegni N, Molinari G, Ricci C, Lazzeri A, La Rosa D, Crivello A, Milazzo M
Acoustic signals are important markers to monitor physiological and pathological conditions, e.g., heart and respiratory sounds. The employment of traditional devices, such as stethoscopes, has been progressively superseded by new miniaturized devices, usually identified as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). These tools are able to better detect the vibrational content of acoustic signals in order to provide a more reliable description of their features (e.g., amplitude, frequency bandwidth). Starting from the description of the structure and working principles of MEMS, we provide a review of their emerging applications in the healthcare field, discussing the advantages and limitations of each framework. Finally, we deliver a discussion on the lessons learned from the literature, and the open questions and challenges in the field that the scientific community must address in the near future.Source: BIOSENSORS (BASEL), vol. 12 (issue 10)

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.mdpi.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Evaluation of angle of arrival in indoor environments with bluetooth 5.1 direction finding
Girolami M, Barsocchi P, Furfari F, La Rosa D, Mavilia F
The Bluetooth 5.1. Direction Finding (DF) specification opens to the possibility of estimating the angle between an emitting and a receiving device. Such angle is generally measured estimating the Angle of Arrival (AoA) or the Angle of Departure (AoD). In particular, knowledge about AoA between a set of anchor nodes and a moving target could be used to localize the target, with greater accuracy with respect to traditional approaches based on the Received Signal Strength of the received messages. In this work, we rigorously evaluate the performance of a commercial kit implementing the DF specification, with the purpose of understanding how the AoA measure varies with respect to the angles' ground truth. We describe two real-world experimental scenarios and we compute the errors between the estimated and actual angles. We also discuss three key aspects for the purpose of adopting BT 5.1 in indoor localization applications.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
ChAALenge: an ambient assisted living project to promote an active and health ageing
Barsocchi P, Belli D, Gabrielli E, La Rosa D, Miori V, Palumbo F, Russo D, Tolomei G
The rapid growth of older population in the next years will lead to the rapid growth in the demand of health care, resulting in an increasing difficulty in managing hospitalizations and in a prohibitive grow of costs for medical care. In this context, chronic heart failure emerges as one of the most difficult problems to be treated, especially in advanced age, and a major cause of hospitalization and death. The Project ChAALenge aims at facing the problem by proposing a proactive approach based on pervasive monitoring and artificial intelligence. The goal is to promptly stepping, before the pathology onset, with effective suggestions ranging from the request of medical examination to the adjustment of lifestyle. The current paper presents the mid-term results of the ongoing project, introducing the sensors, the middleware and the candidate artificial intelligence techniques constituting the predictive system of the older adults' health status.Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, pp. 42-58. Udine, Italy, 28/11/2022, 02/12/2022

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Other Restricted
ChAALenge - D6.1: Analisi delle peculiarità di salute della popolazione anziana e definizione requisiti tecnici
Miori V., Belli D., Bacco M F., Baronti P., Barsocchi P., Crivello A., Furfari F., Girolami M., La Rosa D., Mavilia F., Palumbo F., Pillitteri L., Potortì F., Russo D.
In questo documento viene posta particolare attenzione alla malattia dello scompenso cardiaco che è una delle maggiori cause di mortalità e disabilità nella popolazione anziana oltre ad essere la prima causa di ricovero. Sono analizzate le soluzioni di monitoraggio domestico attualmente disponibili e i requisiti tecnici da soddisfare per poter raccogliere e analizzare i dati fisiologici nell'ambiente di vita e riconoscere situazioni di insorgenza o peggioramento di patologie nell'anziano.

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2022 Other Restricted
ChAALenge D5.2 - Documento di definizione degli algoritmi di Machine Learning e Deep Learning
Miori V., Belli D., Bacco F. M., Baronti P., Barsocchi P., Crivello A., Furfari F., Girolami M., La Rosa D., Mavilia F., Palumbo F., Pillitteri L., Potortì F., Russo D.
Il deliverable ha come obiettivo la definizione di un percorso intraprendibile per lo sviluppo di un modello predittivo, efficace ed efficiente, basato sul paradigma machine learning, sviluppato in funzione del dominio applicativo in esame e dei dati a disposizione. Una parte verrà dedicata all'introduzione degli aspetti principali legati alle strategie di individuazione di anomalie in serie temporali multi-variate tramite il suddetto modello predittivo.

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2022 Other Restricted
ChAALenge - D6.2: Progettazione architettura e definizione delle modalità di integrazione delle macrofunzionalità nel framework (intermedio)
Bacco F. M., Baronti P., Barsocchi P., Crivello A., Furfari F., Girolami M., La Rosa D., Mavilia F., Miori V., Palumbo F., Pillitteri L., Potortì F., Russo D., Belli D.
Questo documento riporta l'analisi relativa alla progettazione del framework di integrazione delle funzionalità, come previsto dal progetto ChAALenge. In particolare, vengono in questa sede analizzate le tecnologie per lo sviluppo del middleware di comunicazione e le modalità di interfacciamento con le soluzioni sensoristiche individuate.

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2022 Other Restricted
Progettazione architettura e definizione delle modalità di integrazione delle macro-funzionalità nel framework
Bacco F. M., Baronti P., Barsocchi P., Belli D., Crivello A., Furfari F., Girolami M., La Rosa D., Mavilia F., Miori V., Palumbo F., Pillitteri L., Potortì F., Russo D.
In questo documento è riportata l’analisi svolta relativamente alla progettazione del framework d’integrazione per il progetto ChAALenge, delle funzionalità all’interno del progetto, in particolare le tecnologie analizzate per lo sviluppo del middleware di comunicazione e le modalità di interfacciamento con le soluzioni sensoristiche individuate.Project(s): ChAALenge

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Detecting proximity with bluetooth low energy beacons for Cultural Heritage
Barsocchi P., Girolami M., La Rosa D.
The RE.S.I.STO project targets visitors of Pisa medieval city, with the goal of providing high-quality digital contents accessible with smart devices. We describe the design, implementation and the test phases of the RE.S.I.STO application, whose goal is to automatically detect the proximity between visitors and artworks. Proximity is detected with a set of algorithms based on the analysis of Bluetooth Low Energy beacons. We detail our experimental campaigns which reproduce several museum layouts of increasing complexity at two pilot sites, and we compute the performance of the implemented algorithms to detect the nearby artworks. In particular, we test our solution in a wide open space located in our research institute and by performing a real deployment at the Camposanto Monumentale located in Pisa (Italy). The obtained performance varies in the range of 40% to perfect accuracy, according to the complexity of the considered museum layouts. We also describe a set of stress and stability tests aimed at verifying the robustness of the application during the data collection process. Our results show that the mobile application is able to reduce the beacon loss rate, with an average value of 77% of collected beacons.Source: SENSORS (BASEL), vol. 21

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.mdpi.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Other Restricted
KI-FOOT - Report sui dispositivi sensoristici e analisi dei risultati dei test
Tognetti A., Carbonaro N., Palumbo F., La Rosa D., Barsocchi P., Furfari F., Potortì F., Cassarà P.
Lo scopo di questo documento è riportare la descrizione delle attività progettuali svolte al fine di identificare e validare le soluzioni sensoristiche da integrare nella calzatura. In particolare, tenendo in considerazione le specifiche fornite nel precedente documento D1.1, sono stati considerati due tipologie di sensori: 1) sensori piezoresistivi per la rilevazione della forza di contatto piede-suolo; 2) sensori inerziali per l'analisi dinamica dei movimenti effettuati dal piede durante la camminata. Di queste due categorie di sensori vengono mostrate le principali caratteristiche, il loro principio di funzionamento e i risultati dei test effettuati.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Other Restricted
KI-FOOT - Integrazione del sistema nella calzatura
Carlos Srl, Adatec Srl, Palumbo F., La Rosa D., Cassarà P.
Il documento descrive l'integrazione finale del sistema di acquisizione dei dati nella calzatura e degli algoritmi di estrazione delle features con il database e l'interfaccia web di visualizzazione delle informazioni.

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