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2011 Conference article Unknown
Link Prediction su Reti Multidimensionali
Rossetti G., Berlingerio M., Giannotti F.
L' analisi di reti complesse e un campo di ricerca interdisciplinare, che vede coinvolti fisici, sociologi, matematici, economisti e informatici. In questo articolo estendiamo la formulazione classica del problema del Link Prediction allo scenario delle reti multidimensionali, ossia quelle reti che ammettono pìu di un link fra due entità. Introduciamo una nuova formulazione che tenga conto delle informazioni multidimensionali espresse dalle reti analizzate, e alcune famiglie di predittori progettati appositamente per sfruttare tali informazioni. Presentiamo infine una valutazione sperimentale dell applicazione delle soluzioni proposte a reti multidimensionali reali. I risultati preliminari ottenuti sono incoraggianti, e spingono verso una ricerca pìu estensiva di soluzioni al problema del Link Prediction su reti multidimensionali.Source: Proceedings of the 19th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, pp. 350–357, June 26-29 2011

See at: dblp.org | CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
Scalable Link Prediction on Multidimensional Networks
Rossetti Giulio, Berlingerio Michele, Giannotti Fosca
Complex networks have been receiving increasing attention by the scientific community, also due to the availability of massive network data from diverse domains. One problem largely studied so far is Link Prediction, i.e. the problem of predicting new upcoming connections in the network. However, one aspect of complex networks has been disregarded so far: real networks are often multidimensional, i.e. multiple connections may reside between any two nodes. In this context, we define the problem of Multidimensional Link Prediction, and we introduce several predictors based on structural analysis of the networks. We present the results obtained on real networks, showing the performances of both the introduced multidimensional versions of the Common Neighbors and Adamic-Adar, and the derived predictors aimed at capturing the multidimensional and temporal information extracted from the data. Our findings show that the evolution of multidimensional networks can be predicted, and that supervised models may improve the accuracy of underlying unsupervised predictors, if used in conjunction with them.Source: The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining series, Workshop 2011, ICDMW, pp. 979–986, Vancouver - Canada, 11-14 /12 2011
DOI: 10.1109/icdmw.2011.150

See at: doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA