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First ACM workshop on Optimization techniques for resources management in clouds

Baraglia R., Coppola M., Dazzi P.

Cloud Computing  Resource Management  Installation Management  K.6.2 Installation Management 

This workshop has been conceived to be a forum for presentation of research results and experience reports on management and optimization issues related to dependability, scalability, economicity and performance at each level of cloud computing infrastructures. In fact, cloud computing is gaining an increasing degree of popularity and interest both in the industrial and in the scientific community, allowing customers to outsource the management of physical resources by renting in a pay-per-use fashion a variable amount of resources according to their actual needs. Anyhow, despite the results obtained by researchers, advancing in information technology poses many challenges on resource management to hide customers the details of physical resources and to provide a flexible and efficient environment to users. The main focus of the workshop is to share novel Cloud resource optimization solutions that fulfill the needs of heterogeneous applications and environments as well as to identify new directions for future research and development.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {First ACM workshop on Optimization techniques for resources management in clouds},
	author = {Baraglia R. and Coppola M. and Dazzi P.},
	year = {2013}

Open Computing Infrastructures for Elastic Services