Conference article Other Journal article Contribution to book Software Book Contribution to conference Contribution to journal Dataset Patent Total
Total 3886 3748 2744 634 498 281 161 45 35 22
Artificial Intelligence for Media and Humanities (2021-ongoing) 99 37 92 2 18 5 2 - 4 - 259
Creative Virtual Systems (2002-2008) 1 5 3 4 1 - - - - - 14
Dependable Computing (2002-2011) 35 42 16 9 - 1 2 - - - 105
Domotics (2002-2016) 15 50 11 1 2 1 1 - - - 81
Formal Methods and Tools (2002-ongoing) 383 248 207 82 37 66 9 1 - - 1033
High Performance Computing (2002-ongoing) 455 147 194 66 2 19 13 1 3 6 906
Human Interfaces in Information Systems (2002-ongoing) 288 58 113 46 33 10 9 2 - 2 561
Information Systems Technology (2002-2016) 56 19 6 - 3 - 7 4 - - 95
Infrastructures for Science (2021-ongoing) 45 126 62 3 19 8 6 - 13 - 282
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2002-ongoing) 321 152 220 68 16 6 1 1 2 - 787
Mechanics of Materials and Structures (2002-ongoing) 65 80 86 9 7 4 8 - 2 - 261
Networked Multimedia Information System (2002-2020) 633 922 381 111 228 72 25 6 7 - 2385
Servizi Internet (2002-ongoing) 5 4 - - 1 - - - - - 10
Signals and Images (2002-ongoing) 485 752 557 73 32 45 39 23 3 9 2018
Software Engineering & Dependable Computing (2012-ongoing) 161 49 81 25 15 4 1 - - - 336
Software Engineering (2002-2011) 89 60 25 9 7 5 - - - - 195
Space Flight Dynamics (2002-ongoing) 128 253 126 11 - 4 19 3 - - 544
System and Software Evaluation (2002-ongoing) 84 85 28 10 12 4 1 - - - 224
Visual Computing (2002-ongoing) 232 80 259 48 34 19 6 - - 3 681
Wireless Networks (2002-ongoing) 269 542 268 54 30 7 4 4 1 2 1181
World Wide Web Consortium (2002-2009) 37 37 9 3 1 1 8 - - - 96