Journal article  Open Access

Wize Mirror - a smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system

Andreu Y., Chiarugi F., Colantonio S., Giannakakis G., Giorgi D., Henriquez P., Kazantzaki E., Manousos D., Kostas M., Matuszewski B. J., Pascali M. A., Pediaditis M., Raccichini G., Tsiknakis M.

I440  Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Unobtrusive health monitoring  Software  3D face detection  3D morphometric analysis  Multimodal data integration  Psycho-somatic status recognition  Tracking and reconstruction  Signal Processing 

In the recent years personal health monitoring systems have been gaining popularity, both as a result of the pull from the general population, keen to improve well-being and early detection of possibly serious health conditions and the push from the industry eager to translate the current significant progress in computer vision and machine learning into commercial products. One of such systems is the Wize Mirror, built as a result of the FP7 funded SEMEOTICONS (SEMEiotic Oriented Technology for Individuals CardiOmetabolic risk self-assessmeNt and Self-monitoring) project. The project aims to translate the semeiotic code of the human face into computational descriptors and measures, automatically extracted from videos, multispectral images, and 3D scans of the face. The multisensory platform, being developed as the result of that project, in the form of a smart mirror, looks for signs related to cardio-metabolic risks. The goal is to enable users to self-monitor their well-being status over time and improve their life-style via tailored user guidance. This paper is focused on the description of the part of that system, utilising computer vision and machine learning techniques to perform 3D morphological analysis of the face and recognition of psycho-somatic status both linked with cardio-metabolic risks. The paper describes the concepts, methods and the developed implementations as well as reports on the results obtained on both real and synthetic datasets.

Source: Computer vision and image understanding (Print) 148 (2016): 3–22. doi:10.1016/j.cviu.2016.03.018

Publisher: Academic Press,, San Diego , Stati Uniti d'America

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Wize Mirror - a smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system},
	author = {Andreu Y. and Chiarugi F. and Colantonio S. and Giannakakis G. and Giorgi D. and Henriquez P. and Kazantzaki E. and Manousos D. and Kostas M. and Matuszewski B.  J. and Pascali M.  A. and Pediaditis M. and Raccichini G. and Tsiknakis M.},
	publisher = {Academic Press,, San Diego , Stati Uniti d'America},
	doi = {10.1016/j.cviu.2016.03.018},
	journal = {Computer vision and image understanding (Print)},
	volume = {148},
	pages = {3–22},
	year = {2016}

SEMEiotic Oriented Technology for Individual’s CardiOmetabolic risk self-assessmeNt and Self-monitoring