Contribution to conference  Open Access

Dataverse: switchboard plugin

Concordia C.

Language Resource Switchboard  Dataverse  Plugin 

Overall description of the 'dataverse-lrs' plugin, a plugin enabling the integration of Dataverse repositories with the CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard (LRS) software, developed in the "Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC)" project. The software is available in the SSHOC GitHub repository: https://github.com/SSHOC/dataverse-lrs

Source: CLARIN Centre Meeting 2021, Online meeting, 9-10/6/2021

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Dataverse: switchboard plugin},
	author = {Concordia C.},
	booktitle = {CLARIN Centre Meeting 2021, Online meeting, 9-10/6/2021},
	year = {2021}

Bibliographic record

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Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud