Report  Open Access

PlatformUptake.eu - D2.2 - European open service platforms in the AHA domain analysis report

Dantas C., Vieira J., Nikolov A., Carboni A.

AHA  AAL  Open Service Platforms  PlatformUptake 

Within this document, the activities related to Task T2.2 "Observe common and differentiating features and characteristics of existing platforms that can act as success or hindrance factors in their uptake" are described and discussed. The analysis departs from the ecosystem of platforms built under T2.1 and fully described in D2.1 European Open Service Platforms in the AHA Domain - Ecosystem Map. From a first group of 48 projects identified as some of the most representative in AAL/AHA (Active Assisted Living / Active and Healthy Ageing) research in the last 10 years, 18 were selected to become part of the ecosystem map. The selection criteria in T2.1 concerned various factors such as the impact on research in the AAL / AHA sector, the European coverage and also other determinants that have led to select platforms that have laid the foundations for the subsequent ones. Some refined selection criteria were added in T2.2 when performing the in-depth analysis, namely the development timeline and current status of the platforms, as well as their final scope and outputs, and on these grounds a three-layered investigation was performed, as detailed in the methodology section of this document. Based on this revised list presented in section 1.1, this deliverable aims thus to provide a deeper analysis of eight platforms, to acquire a better understanding on possible success and hindrance factors based on their characteristics, existing networks and stakeholders. Section 2 provides the three-fold analysis referred: a technical analysis of the platforms, including the description of the features, functionalities and services provided by each of them; a contextual analysis that includes legal, ethical and data concerned information; and a business analysis where the details concerning financial and exploitation aspects are described. The outcome of these thematic investigations is articulated and combined in section 3, with the aim to understand which were the determining factors that supported or contributed to the current state of art. This report concludes with a proposal of a scheme displaying the success and hindrance factors of each platform and that will be further elaborated on within the subsequent tasks of the PlatformUptake.eu project

Source: ISTI Project report, PlatformUptake.eu, D2.2, 2020

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BibTeX entry
	title = {PlatformUptake.eu - D2.2 - European open service platforms in the AHA domain analysis report},
	author = {Dantas C. and Vieira J. and Nikolov A. and Carboni A.},
	institution = {ISTI Project report, PlatformUptake.eu, D2.2, 2020},
	year = {2020}

Assessing the State of the Art and Supporting an Evidence-Based Uptake and Evolution of Open Service Platforms in the Active and Healthy Ageing Domain