Software  Unknown

RTIViewer - a tool for remote browsing of images created with relectance transformation techniques.

Cignoni P., Corsini M., Palma G., Scopigno R.

Imaging  cultural heritage  relighting 

The RTI Viewer allows you to load and examine images created with relectance transformation techniques. The tool supports these formats, collectively called RTI files: X Polynomial Texture Maps (PTM files) X Hemispherical Harmonics Maps (HSH files) X Universal Reflectance Transformation Imaging (URTI files) The viewer can display both single-view and multi-view images; a mulit-view RTI is a collection of single-view images together with optical flow data that generates intermediate views.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {RTIViewer   -   a tool for remote browsing of images created with relectance transformation techniques.},
	author = {Cignoni P. and Corsini M. and Palma G. and Scopigno R.},
	year = {2008}