Makris A, Boudi A, Coppola M, Cordeiro L, Corsini M, Dazzi P, Andilla Fd, Gonzalez Rozas Y, Kamarianakis M, Pateraki M, Pham Tl, Protopsaltis A, Raman A, Romussi A, Rosa L, Spatafora E, Taleb T, Theodoropoulos T, Tserpes K, Zschau E, Herzog U
Cloud Infrastructures Network technologies Internetworking Cloud computingEdge Computing Cloud Services
The paper introduces the CHARITY framework, a novel framework which aspires to leverage the benefits of intelligent, network continuum autonomous orchestration of cloud, edge, and network resources, to create a symbiotic relationship between low and high latency infrastructures. These infrastructures will facilitate the needs of emerging applications such as holographic events, virtual reality training, and mixed reality entertainment. The framework relies on different enablers and technologies related to cloud and edge for offering a suitable environment in order to deliver the promise of ubiquitous computing to the NextGen application clients. The paper discusses the main pillars that support the CHARITY vision, and provide a description of the planned use cases that are planned to demonstrate CHARITY capabilities.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:477275, title = {Cloud for holography and augmented reality}, author = {Makris A and Boudi A and Coppola M and Cordeiro L and Corsini M and Dazzi P and Andilla Fd and Gonzalez Rozas Y and Kamarianakis M and Pateraki M and Pham Tl and Protopsaltis A and Raman A and Romussi A and Rosa L and Spatafora E and Taleb T and Theodoropoulos T and Tserpes K and Zschau E and Herzog U}, year = {2021} }