Journal article  Closed Access

Musealizzazione di un dipinto pompeiano: la Venere nella Conchiglia

Siotto E.

Musealizzazione  Documentazione storica 

A careful analysis of some documents preserved in the Historical Archive of the Naples Archaeological Superintendence and the printed Guides of the Museum allows to recreate the museum itinerary of the so-called Venere nella Conchiglia (Venus in the Shell) mural painting from the Herculaneum Museum of Portici to the current location in the Gabinetto Segreto (Secret Cabinet) of the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

Source: Rivista di studi pompeiani (Testo stamp.) XXVI-XXVII (2016): 73–83.

Publisher: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Roma , Italia

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