Journal article  Open Access

Retrieval and classification methods for textured 3D models: a comparative study

Biasotti S. M., Cerri A., Aono M., Hamza A. B., Garro V., Giachetti A., Giorgi D., Godil A. A., Li G. C., Sanada C., Spagnuolo M., Tatsuma A., Velasco Forero S.

Computer Graphics  Shape retrieval  [SPI.SIGNAL]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Signal and Image processing  Textured 3D models  Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  Shape classification  Software  Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design 

This paper presents a comparative study of six methods for the retrieval and classification of textured 3D models, which have been selected as representative of the state of the art. To better analyse and control how methods deal with specific classes of geometric and texture deformations, we built a collection of 572 synthetic textured mesh models, in which each class includes multiple texture and geometric modifications of a small set of null models. Results show a challenging, yet lively, scenario and also reveal interesting insights into how to deal with texture information according to different approaches, possibly working in the CIELab as well as in modifications of the RGB colour space.

Source: The visual computer 32 (2016): 217–241. doi:10.1007/s00371-015-1146-3

Publisher: Springer., Heidelberg , Germania

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Retrieval and classification methods for textured 3D models: a comparative study},
	author = {Biasotti S. M. and Cerri A. and Aono M. and Hamza A. B. and Garro V. and Giachetti A. and Giorgi D. and Godil A. A. and Li G. C. and Sanada C. and Spagnuolo M. and Tatsuma A. and Velasco Forero S.},
	publisher = {Springer., Heidelberg , Germania},
	doi = {10.1007/s00371-015-1146-3},
	journal = {The visual computer},
	volume = {32},
	pages = {217–241},
	year = {2016}

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