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SoBigData - Fact sheets aimed at different stakeholders

Grossi V, Rapisarda B, Romano V

Sobigdata  Database Applications 

This document reports a first stakeholder analysis conducted by the SoBigData consortium among its partners. During the first three months of the project, a set of shared documents has been defined and filled in order to provide an initial stakeholder analysis. On the one hand, the aim was to discover and take a census about the stakeholders already involved in the consortium. On the other hand, the goal was to identify a set of potential stakeholders starting from the activities provided by the partners. The aim is to understand who are the stakeholders already involved and how their needs are addressed and to identify a set of potential stakeholders starting from the activities provided by the partners. This analysis is required for writing a set of initial fact sheets. Currently, for this first deliverable, three fact sheet has been created: the first one is designed for the economy/business application field, the second one is conceived for computer science while the last one is targeted to social science application field. These fact sheets are published on the project web-site for downloading by users and others. Moreover, the fact sheets serve as hand-outs at events such as workshops and conferences. The fact sheets will be produced and updated continuously throughout the project.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {SoBigData - Fact sheets aimed at different stakeholders},
	author = {Grossi V and Rapisarda B and Romano V},
	year = {2015}