Journal article  Open Access

A vision for open cyber-scholarly infrastructures

Thanos C.

Linked data  learning practices  Scientific article models  Library and Information Sciences  Scholarly record  Topic map  Semantic publishing  linked scholarly record  Reading practices  Computer Science Applications  enhanced publication  Information exploration  linked data  Communication  Learning practices  semantic publishing  Information seeking  topic map  information exploration  Business and International Management  scholarly record  Linked scholarly record  reading practices  information seeking  Media Technology  scientific article models  Enhanced publication  Digital Libraries 

The characteristics of modern science, i.e., data-intensive, multidisciplinary, open, and heavily dependent on Internet technologies, entail the creation of a linked scholarly record that is online and open. Instrumental in making this vision happen is the development of the next generation of Open Cyber-Scholarly Infrastructures (OCIs), i.e., enablers of an open, evolvable, and extensible scholarly ecosystem. The paper delineates the evolving scenario of the modern scholarly record and describes the functionality of future OCIs as well as the radical changes in scholarly practices including new reading, learning, and information-seeking practices enabled by OCIs.

Source: Publications 4 (2016). doi:10.3390/publications4020013

Publisher: MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland

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BibTeX entry
	title = {A vision for open cyber-scholarly infrastructures},
	author = {Thanos C.},
	publisher = {MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland},
	doi = {10.3390/publications4020013},
	journal = {Publications},
	volume = {4},
	year = {2016}