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SoBigData - Project web site, project presentation, and social media presence

Grossi V, Rapisarda B, Romano V

Sobigdata  Database Applications 

This report provides a full description of the main dissemination channels of the SoBigData project. On the one hand, we have classical media, such as web site while on the other hand we have a massive presence on social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. In this perspective, we can state that the project includes a wide range of dissemination channels from a website to a strong social media presence, including media and specialized journal. The project also has a wikitype environment for internal communication among the project partners. Furthermore, a project portal and management platform have been built to assist project planning and monitoring, and to allow discussion and exchange of draft documents between partners. The aim of this deliverable is to provide an overview of all dissemination channels. This document also describe the project logo and the project presentation. The project web site, presentation, and social media presence will be updated continuously throughout the project lifespan.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {SoBigData - Project web site, project presentation, and social media presence},
	author = {Grossi V and Rapisarda B and Romano V},
	year = {2015}