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5th International Conference on "Achieving Quality In Software" (AQUIS'2002) Web Site

Martinelli M., Fusani M., Lami V.

Sofware Quality 

Good or evil the software may be, a theorem holds: Quality in life strictly depends on quality in software. The "Achieving Quality In Software" Conference Series couldn't open the millennium with a less ambitious goal. After ten years efforts in putting together the diverging interests of academia and industry, which still stay apart, attention is also focused on the principal characters on stage, us, the final users. New, surprising features will be deployed at the Conference. Traditional technical topics will be discussed close to novel, yet essential aspects for quality to be achieved, touching both ends of human involvement in quality, from engineers (so many are needed!) to clients (they are counted by the billions!). And the message to be spread out of the Conference room and reach all of them is: "Better software technology is a necessary ingredient for better life". So, let the practitioners learn and act for this to be achieved. Together with worldwide-known Experts invited to show and debate their best solutions to reach these goals, Authors are solicited to submit papers explaining the way to improve everybody's lifestyle through advances in: Technical areas: Software engineering best practices Software testing Software processes Quality models Formal methods Internet software Standards and certification in software

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