Software  Unknown

Pretty Indoor Navigation

Crivello A., Agostini M.

Indoor positioning  Android application 

The PrettyIndoor application implements all the algorithms and the data structures required for positioning purpose, coming with a front-end thought for researchers' testing operations in order to test the many possible strategies, both existing and coming in the future, to solve the problem of indoor positioning. The latter is a utility application that allows the user to capture Wi-Fi and magnetic fingerprints, save them into a file and make a textual fingerprint map that can be used by the other application. The software uses an Android extension of a Java library for indoor navigation that is thought to be the first piece of a bigger framework for Ambient Assisted Living solutions development.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Pretty Indoor Navigation},
	author = {Crivello A. and Agostini M.},
	year = {2017}

Bibliographic record

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