Conference article  Unknown

Telefonia mobile e GIS: potenzialità, aspettative e disponibilità di servizi

Cresci G., Fortunati L.

GIS  Mobile phones  H.4 Information Systems and Applications 

The mobile phone is going to become a global communication device to handle not only traditional telephone services (voice, sms, images, video, ...) but also web services, integrated with classical telephone services. The services based on the localisation of the handset (referred as Location Based Services: LBS), represent a very interesting sector, either for the end users expectations, either for the power of the technology. They make use of the mobile phone location to give a variety of specific services. It is clear that the GIS technology give an essential support to these services. The take-off of LBS is up to now blocked by various problems (technical and not), as lack of consolidated standards, the national situation of the mobile market, some aspects about privacy.

Source: ASITA2005, pp. 811–816, Catania, 15-18 novembre 2005

Publisher: ASITA - Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali, Milano, ITA

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Telefonia mobile e GIS: potenzialità, aspettative e disponibilità di servizi},
	author = {Cresci G. and Fortunati L.},
	publisher = {ASITA - Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali, Milano, ITA},
	booktitle = {ASITA2005, pp. 811–816, Catania, 15-18 novembre 2005},
	year = {2005}