Mavilia F, Barsocchi P, Furfari F, Girolami M
Bluetooth 5.1 Angle of arrival Indoor localization Proximity
Indoor localization techniques are rapidly moving toward the combination of multiple source of information. Among these, RSS, Time of Flight (ToF), Angle of Arrival (AoA) and of Departure (AoD) represent effective solutions for indoor environments. In this work, we propose an on-going activity investigating the performance of an indoor localization system based on the AoA-Bluetooth 5.1 specification, namely Direction Finding. We evaluate the effect of two anchor deployments and we test our localization algorithm by varying the orientation of the target according to four postures: North, West, South and East. From our study, we observe that anchor nodes deployed on the ceiling provide the best performance in terms of localization error. We conclude this work with a discussion of two further lines of investigation potentially increasing the performance of AoA-based indoor localization systems.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:479249, title = {Evaluating the impact of anchors deployment for an AoA-based indoor localization system}, author = {Mavilia F and Barsocchi P and Furfari F and Girolami M}, year = {2023} }