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The TAILOR Handbook of Trustworthy AI

Albertoni R., Allard T., Alves G., Bringas Colmenarejo A., Buijsman S., Casares P. A M, Colantonio S., Couceiro M., Escobar S., Gonzalez-Castañé G., Guidotti R., Heintz F., Hernandez Orallo J., Kuilman S., Makhlouf K., Martinez Plumed F., Monreale A., Pellungrini R., Pratesi F., Ramachandran Pillai R., Rossi A., Rousset M. C., Ruggieri S., Siebert L. C., Skrzypczyski P., Stefanowski J., Straccia U., Òsullivan B., Visentin A., Zgonnikov A., Zhioua S.

Trustworthy AI  Ethics  Explainable AI  Safety and robustness  Fairness  Accountability  Reproducibility  Privacy  Sustainability 

The main goal of the Handbook of Trustworthy AI is to provide to non experts, especially researchers and students, an overview of the problem related to the developing of ethical and trustworty AI systems. In particular, we want to provide an overview of the main dimensions of trustworthiness, starting with a understandable explaination of the dimension itsleves, and then presenting the characterization of the problems (staring with a brief summary and the explaination of the importance of the dimension, presenting a taxonomy and some guidelines, if they are available and consolidated), summarizing what are the major challenges and solutions in the field, as well as what are the lastest research developments.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {The TAILOR Handbook of Trustworthy AI},
	author = {Albertoni R. and Allard T. and Alves G. and Bringas Colmenarejo A. and Buijsman S. and Casares P.  A M and Colantonio S. and Couceiro M. and Escobar S. and Gonzalez-Castañé G. and Guidotti R. and Heintz F. and Hernandez Orallo J. and Kuilman S. and Makhlouf K. and Martinez Plumed F. and Monreale A. and Pellungrini R. and Pratesi F. and Ramachandran Pillai R. and Rossi A. and Rousset M. C. and Ruggieri S. and Siebert L. C. and Skrzypczyski P. and Stefanowski J. and Straccia U. and Òsullivan B. and Visentin A. and Zgonnikov A. and Zhioua S.},
	year = {2022}

Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization