Report  Open Access

e-Infrastructure Catalogue of Services

Andreozzi S., Castelli D., Dappert A., Ferrari T., Krakowian M., Reetz J., Steijaert A.

e-Infrastructure services  Catalogue of services CoS 

This document outlines a framework for creating a Catalogue of Services (CoS), primarily intended for e-Infrastructure services. It describes services at a high level and makes them discoverable. It can also be used to identify overlapping efforts or gaps in the catalogued service landscape. The goal of this document is to define a framework that can be used to specify and implement a concrete catalogue. It is not a catalogue itself and does not list or describe services.

Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2016

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BibTeX entry
	title = {e-Infrastructure Catalogue of Services},
	author = {Andreozzi S. and Castelli D. and Dappert A. and Ferrari T. and Krakowian M. and Reetz J. and Steijaert A.},
	institution = {ISTI Technical reports, 2016},
	year = {2016}

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