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2020 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Eva: attribute-aware network segmentation
Citraro S., Rossetti G.
Identifying topologically well-defined communities that are also homogeneous w.r.t. attributes carried by the nodes that compose them is a challenging social network analysis task. We address such a problem by introducing Eva, a bottom-up low complexity algorithm designed to identify network hidden mesoscale topologies by optimizing structural and attribute-homophilic clustering criteria. We evaluate the proposed approach on heterogeneous real-world labeled network datasets, such as co-citation, linguistic, and social networks, and compare it with state-of-art community discovery competitors. Experimental results underline that Eva ensures that network nodes are grouped into communities according to their attribute similarity without considerably degrading partition modularity, both in single and multi node-attribute scenarios.Source: International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, pp. 141–151, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12/12/2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36687-2_12
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1910.06599
Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | arxiv.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2020 Report Unknown
UTLDR: an agent-based framework for modeling infectious diseases and public interventions
Rossetti G., Milli L., Citraro S., Morini V.
Nowadays, due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, epidemic modelling is experiencing a constantly growing interest from researchers of heterogeneous fields of study. Indeed, the vast literature on computational epidemiology offers solid grounds for analytical studies and the definition of novel models aimed at both predictive and prescriptive scenario descriptions. To ease the access to diffusion modelling, several programming libraries and tools have been proposed during the last decade: however, to the best of our knowledge, none of them is explicitly designed to allow its users to integrate public interventions in their model. In this work, we introduce UTLDR, a framework that can simulate the effects of several public interventions (and their combinations) on the unfolding of epidemic processes. UTLDR enables the design of compartmental models incrementally and to simulate them over complex interaction network topologies. Moreover, it allows integrating external information on the analyzed population (e.g., age, gender, geographical allocation, and mobility patterns. . . ) and to use it to stratify and refine the designed model. After introducing the framework, we provide a few case studies to underline its flexibility and expressive power.Source: ISTI Working Papers, 2020
Project(s): SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2020 Report Open Access OPEN
Conformity: A Path-Aware Homophily Measure for Node-Attributed Networks
Rossetti G., Citraro S., Milli L.
Unveil the homophilic/heterophilic behaviors that characterize the wiring patterns of complex networks is an important task in social network analysis, often approached studying the assortative mixing of node attributes. Recent works underlined that a global measure to quantify node homophily necessarily provides a partial, often deceiving, picture of the reality. Moving from such literature, in this work, we propose a novel measure, namely Conformity, designed to overcome such limitation by providing a node-centric quantification of assortative mixing patterns. Differently from the measures proposed so far, Conformity is designed to be path-aware, thus allowing for a more detailed evaluation of the impact that nodes at different degrees of separations have on the homophilic embeddedness of a target. Experimental analysis on synthetic and real data allowed us to observe that Conformity can unveil valuable insights from node-attributed graphs.Source: ISTI Working Papers, 2020, 2020
Project(s): SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: arxiv.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2020 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Identifying and exploiting homogeneous communities in labeled networks
Citraro S., Rossetti G.
Attribute-aware community discovery aims to find well-connected communities that are also homogeneous w.r.t. the labels carried by the nodes. In this work, we address such a challenging task presenting Eva, an algorithmic approach designed to maximize a quality function tailoring both structural and homophilic clustering criteria. We evaluate Eva on several real-world labeled networks carrying both nominal and ordinal information, and we compare our approach to other classic and attribute-aware algorithms. Our results suggest that Eva is the only method, among the compared ones, able to discover homogeneous clusters without considerably degrading partition modularity.We also investigate two well-defined applicative scenarios to characterize better Eva: i) the clustering of a mental lexicon, i.e., a linguistic network modeling human semantic memory, and (ii) the node label prediction task, namely the problem of inferring the missing label of a node.Source: Applied network science 5 (2020). doi:10.1007/s41109-020-00302-1
DOI: 10.1007/s41109-020-00302-1
Project(s): SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: appliednetsci.springeropen.com Open Access | Applied Network Science Open Access | Applied Network Science Open Access | Applied Network Science Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA