Conference article  Open Access

Grey Literature supporting the right to knowledge

Silvia Giannini, Stefania Lombardi, Anna Molino

Right to knowledge  Rights retention  Secondary Publishing Rights  CLAKP  Right2Pub  KR21 

One of the principal areas of interest of the Library of the CNR Area in Pisa is in authors' Rights Retention. Indeed, the staff regularly supports the personnel in the publication process, from choosing the publication venue to depositing their products in the institutional archive, finding that many researchers need to be made aware of their rights and how to retain them. For this reason, the library staff participates in the CLAKP and Right2Pub initiatives. CLAKP (Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group) is a research group aiming to strengthen the right to knowledge as essential for education, innovation, and cultural access. Right2Pub (The Authors’ Voice from the Italian Research Community) project aims to build an awareness of the importance of Secondary Publishing Rights and Rights Retention in the Italian Research Community. In our work, we describe the two ongoing initiatives and the contribution of our library to them. We also illustrate the first results of a preliminary study on the role of Grey Literature on this topic and how some European countries approach it.

Publisher: Textrelease

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Grey Literature supporting the right to knowledge},
	author = {Silvia Giannini and Stefania Lombardi and Anna Molino},
	publisher = {Textrelease},
	year = {2024}

Balancing Publication Rights: la voce della comunità scientifica su “rights retention” e “secondary publishing right”
Balancing Publication Rights: la voce della comunità scientifica su “rights retention” e “secondary publishing right”