Conference article  Restricted

Understanding human mobility dynamics: insights from summarized semantic trajectories

Pugliese C., Lettich F., Pinelli F., Renso C.

Summarized semantic trajectories, Mobility analysis, Routine detection 

Mobility data analysis provides insights into human movement patterns, traffic flows, and urban planning strategies. Human dynamics analysis focuses on tracking people to investigate how individuals and groups behave, interact, and evolve. Various mobility data sources, such as GPS, mobile phone records, social media, and transportation logs, are often semantically enriched and used for these analyses. This results in the generation of new, complex datasets that require effective summarization methods to reduce data volume while preserving relevant information. In this work, we aim to demonstrate the effective use of summarized semantic trajectories in analyzing human mobility behaviours. We offer empirical evidence from a case study, showing how this type of trajectory helps in understanding human mobility, especially in distinguishing between routine and non-routine behaviours. Experimental results show that the analysis results are comparable with the results obtained in the original (non summarized) dataset.

Publisher: IEEE

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Understanding human mobility dynamics: insights from summarized semantic trajectories},
	author = {Pugliese C. and Lettich F. and Pinelli F. and Renso C.},
	publisher = {IEEE},
	year = {2024}

CAMEO, PRIN 2022 n. 2022ZLL7MW
CAMEO, PRIN 2022 n. 2022ZLL7MW

SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics

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