Conference article  Open Access

End-user development for eXtended reality using a multimodal intelligent conversational agent

Artizzu V., Carcangiu A., Manca M., Mattioli A., Mereu J., Paternò F., Santoro C., Simeoli L., Spano L. D.

Context  End-user development  Event-condition-action  Extended reality  Immersive authoring  Large language model  Meta-design  Multimodal input  Rules 

In the past years, both the research community and commercial products have proposed various solutions aiming to support end-user developers (EUDevs), namely users without extensive programming skills, to build and customize XR experiences. However, current tools may not fully eliminate the potential for user errors or misunderstandings. In this paper, we present EUD4XR, a methodology consisting of an intelligent conversational agent to provide contextual help, to EUDevs, during the authoring process. The key characteristics of this agent are its multimodality, comprehending the user’s voice, gaze, and pointing, combined with the environment status. Moreover, the agent could also demonstrate concepts, suggest components, and help explain errors further to reduce misunderstandings for end-user developers of VR/XR.

Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, vol. 3704. Arenzano, Italy, 4/06/2024

Publisher: CEUR-WS

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BibTeX entry
	title = {End-user development for eXtended reality using a multimodal intelligent conversational agent},
	author = {Artizzu V. and Carcangiu A. and Manca M. and Mattioli A. and Mereu J. and Paternò F. and Santoro C. and Simeoli L. and Spano L.  D.},
	publisher = {CEUR-WS},
	booktitle = {CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, vol. 3704. Arenzano, Italy, 4/06/2024},
	year = {2024}

EUD4XR: End-User Development for eXtended Reality
EUD4XR: End-User Development for eXtended Reality