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Dataset per il Geoportale Nazionale per l’Archeologia - Guida al sistema D4GNA

Vannini G. L., Mangiacrapa F., Candela L., Pagano P.

D4GNA, geoportale nazionale archeologia, manuale utente, guida utente, GIS, Data management system 

The Dataset for the National Geoportal for Archeology (D4GNA) is a digital platform that allows access and consultation of archaeological data coming from 'Surveys carried out under concession regime (in Italian territory)' and from 'Italian archaeological missions to abroad'. This guide provides the necessary instructions for consulting the datasets, navigating the interactive cartography and inserting, modifying or deleting a survey project by excavation concessionaires. To access the D4GNA, it is necessary to connect to the official website https://gna.d4science.org/ and authenticate using credentials provided by the authorized institutions.


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Dataset per il Geoportale Nazionale per l’Archeologia - Guida al sistema D4GNA},
	author = {Vannini G.  L. and Mangiacrapa F. and Candela L. and Pagano P.},
	doi = {10.5281/zenodo.12530857},
	year = {2024}

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