Andrea Mannocci, Miriam Baglioni
Computer Science - Digital Libraries
The OpenAIRE Graph is an extensive resource housing diverse information onresearch products, including literature, datasets, and software, alongsideresearch projects and other scholarly outputs and context. It stands as acornerstone among contemporary research information databases, offeringinvaluable insights for scientometric investigations. Despite its wealth ofdata, its sheer size may initially appear daunting, potentially hindering itswidespread adoption. To address this challenge, this paper introduces theOpenAIRE Beginner's Kit, a user-friendly solution providing access to a subsetof the OpenAIRE Graph within a sandboxed environment coupled with a Jupyternotebook for analysis. The OpenAIRE Beginner's Kit is meticulously designed todemocratise research and data exploration, offering accessibility from standarddesktop and laptop setups. Within this paper, we provide a brief overview ofthe included dataset and offer guidance on leveraging the kit through aselection of illustrative queries tailored to address common scientometricinquiries.
@inproceedings{, title = {Exploring Scientometrics with the OpenAIRE Graph: Introducing the OpenAIRE Beginner's Kit}, author = {Andrea Mannocci and Miriam Baglioni}, year = {2024} }