Assante M., Candela L., Frosini L., Mangiacrapa F., Molinaro E., Pagano P.
VRE Science
BlueCloud Virtual Research Environment Service The BlueCloud Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is one of the two main components of the BlueCloud technical framework, next to the BlueCloud Data Discovery and Access Service (DDAS). The BlueCloud VRE components are developed and operated by relying on the D4Science infrastructure [Assante et al., 2019; 2023; Candela et al., 2023] and range from services to promote the collaboration among its users to services supporting the execution of analytics tasks embedded in a distributed computing infrastructure, and to services enabling the cocreation of entire Virtual Laboratories (VLabs), also interoperable with the BlueCloud DDAS. The VRE services are instrumental in advancing Open Science practices within VLabs, empowering researchers to harness the advantages of stateoftheart einfrastructures. By leveraging these services, researchers can capitalise on the power of the Cloud and of einfrastructures, driving scientific progress and enabling collaborative research efforts within the realm of Open Science.
Source: MISCELLANEA INGV, vol. 80, pp. 240-241. Bergen, Norway, 27-29/05/2024
Publisher: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
@inproceedings{, title = {Blue-Cloud 2026 - Virtual Research Environment service}, author = {Assante M. and Candela L. and Frosini L. and Mangiacrapa F. and Molinaro E. and Pagano P.}, publisher = {Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia}, doi = {10.13127/misc/80/91}, booktitle = {MISCELLANEA INGV, vol. 80, pp. 240-241. Bergen, Norway, 27-29/05/2024}, year = {2024} }
Blue-Cloud 2026
A federated European FAIR and Open Research Ecosystem for oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters