Report  Open Access

OpenAIREplus Data Model Specification

Manghi P., Mikulicic M., Atzori C.

OpenAire data model 

The OpenAIREplus web site will offer functionalities for administrators, anonymous and registered users to manage an Information Space of publications, together with their connections with funding projects (from the EC and national agencies) and research datasets. The aim of this document is to describe the conceived structure and semantics of this Information Space, i.e., the OpenAIREplus data model, by providing an abstract definition of its main entities and the relationships between them. In this definitional process, the interaction with the EuroCRIS initiatives, several scientific institutes (i.e., KNAW-DANS, EBI-EMBL, BADC) as well as inspiration from DataCite and LinkedData play an important role in the specification of project data, i.e., how project data should be described, stored and exported in OpenAIRE, dataset metadata, how datasets should be described, and in the specification of how such interconnected entities can be made available and consumable by third-party systems. The data model will be subject to changes in the future and therefore result in further versions. Such changes will be described in the following Section, in order to summarize to the reader the differences form the previous versions.

Source: Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D6.1, 2012

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BibTeX entry
	title = {OpenAIREplus Data Model Specification},
	author = {Manghi P. and Mikulicic M. and Atzori C.},
	institution = {Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D6.1, 2012},
	year = {2012}

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