Tarini M, Puppo E, Panozzi D, Pietroni N, Cignoni P
Computer graphics Computational geometry and object modeling-Curve Surface Solid and object repres
We present a method for the global parametrization of meshes that preserves alignment to a cross field in input while obtaining a parametric domain made of few coarse axis-aligned rectangular patches,which form an abstract base complex without T-junctions. The method is based on the topological simplification of the cross field in input, followed by global smoothing
Source: ACM TRANSACTIONS ON GRAPHICS (ONLINE), vol. 30 (issue 16)
@article{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:199432, title = {Simple quad domains for field aligned mesh parametrization}, author = {Tarini M and Puppo E and Panozzi D and Pietroni N and Cignoni P}, year = {2011} }