Conference article  Restricted

An explorative journey from architectural tests definition downto code tests execution

Bertolino A, Inverardi P, Muccini H

Software architecture  Design  Measurement  Performance  Theory  Testing and debugging 

Our research deals with the use of the Sofware Architecture (SA) as a reference model for the conformance testing of the implemented system with respect to its architectural specification, at the integration test level. Having formerly identijied an approach to derive architectural test plans, we investigate here the practical meaning of a high level test case defined in terms of architectural processes and messages, such as the ones derived by our approach. Indeed, establishing a relation between SA tests (here formulated as paths derived over Labeled Transition Systems expressing the SA dynamics) and concrete, executable tests is not obvious at all. In this paper we describe the steps to be followed to refine architectural tests into code level tests, and we do so in an empirical context by illustrating our hands-on experience in running some of the derived architectural tests on the TRMCS case study. We present interesting insights and some preliminary attempts to generalize problems and solutions.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {An explorative journey from architectural tests definition downto code tests execution},
	author = {Bertolino A and Inverardi P and Muccini H},
	year = {2001}