Conference article  Restricted

Resource partitioning and call admission control in a rain faded satellite channel with real-time connections

Gotta A

Satellite  Cross-Layer  Stochastic Knapsack  RRM 

The paper aims at devising a control system for dynamic resource allocation in a multi-service satellite network with real-time and streaming connections. A Master Station adaptively partitions the overall satellite capacity among the earth stations, according to their traffic load and fading conditions. Within the bandwidth temporarily assigned, the stations independently perform Call Admission Control (CAC) of real-time connection requests and assign the proper redundancy to overcome the fading effects. Thus, there is a double cross-layer interaction between the physical and data link layers, whereby the fading severity plays a role in the overall bandwidth allocation. The performance of the method is analyzed by simulation, under a realistic link budget and real fading patterns.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Resource partitioning and call admission control in a rain faded satellite channel with real-time connections},
	author = {Gotta A},
	year = {2005}