Nuvolone D, Peretti I, Baldacci S, Della Maggiore R, Maio S, Stortini Am, Viegi G
GIS Epidemiological survey in Livorno Asthma GIS and Health Marine Aereosol
Objective:to analyse the associations between exposure to marine aerosol and/or industrial air pollution and the prevalence of asthma and asthma-like symptoms in a population sample living in Livorno(Tuscany). Methods:using GlS, subjects were geocoded on the basis of their own home address and classified as follows. First classification: distance of the residence from the coastline: 0-300m(more exposed), 300m-1000m(less exposed) and 1000m (controls). Second classification also includes the analysis of the distance from the main industrial pollution sources (thermoelectric power plant,waste incinerator, oil refinery)Subjects were classified in 4 groups:exposed to aerosol and industrial pollution, exposed to aerosol,exposed to industrial pollution,controls. Results:significant associations between living near the coastline(within 300m)and attacks of asthma were reported for women(OR=3.75,95%IC 1.34-10.48 in the first classification, OR =4.51, 95%IC 1.44-14.12 in the second one).In the second classification exposure to aerosol and industrial pollution resulted associated with severe asthma (OR=3.44,95%IC 0.91-12.93)and with chest tightness (OR=2.52,95%IC 1.04-6.12),in women. Living exposed to industrial pollution is associated with chronic cough and phlegm(OR=1.99,95%IC 1.09-3.68),in females. Conclusions:exposure to marine aerosol is associated with asthma,whilst exposure to industrial pollution is associated with bronchitic symptoms.GIS provides added value to environmental epidemiology research. Abstract: In this epidemiological survey a general population sample of Livorno was analysed to study the relationship between living near the sea and health status. In fact exposure to marine aerosol is considered to be a potential risk of respiratory diseases, as pollutants accumulated in the surface micro-layer are conveyed to the atmosphere. By means of GIS technology subjects participating to the survey were geocoded with reference to their home addresses, then they were classified considering zones homogeneous by distance from the coastline. In a second classification we also considered distance from the main industrial pollution sources. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to compare the prevalence of asthma and asthma-like symptoms between exposed and non exposed people. Exposure to marine aerosol resulted associated with asthma, whilst exposure to industrial pollution is associated with bronchitic symptoms. GIS provides added value to environmental epidemiology research.
Source: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT, vol. 30 (issue 51), p. 751s
@misc{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:172690, title = {Asthma related to exposure to marine aerosol and industrial pollution: a GIS approach to an epidemiological survey in Livorno}, author = {Nuvolone D and Peretti I and Baldacci S and Della Maggiore R and Maio S and Stortini Am and Viegi G}, year = {2007} }