Conference article  Open Access

A Calculus for Team Automata

Ter Beek M. H., Gadducci F., Janssens D.

Computer Science(all)  Semantics of Programming Languages. Process models  Computer. Automation  Theoretical Computer Science  Team automata  General Computer Science  Compositional specification  F.1.1 Models of Computation. Automata  F.3.2 Models of Computation. Relations between models  Semantics of Programming Languages. Algebraic approaches to semantics  Process calculi  Process calculus 

Team automata are a formalism for the component-based specification of reactive, distributed systems. Their main feature is a flexible technique for specifying coordination patterns among systems, thus extending I/O automata. Furthermore, for some patterns the language recognized by a team automaton can be specified via those languages recognized by its components. We introduce a process calculus tailored over team automata. Each automaton is described by a process, such that its associated (fragment of a) labeled transition system is bisimilar to the original automaton. The mapping is moreover denotational, since the operators defined on processes are in a bijective correspondence with a chosen family of coordination patterns and that correspondence is preserved by the mapping. We thus extend to team automata a few classical results on I/O automata and their representation by process calculi. Moreover, besides providing a language for expressing team automata, we widen the family of coordination patterns for which an equational characterization of the language associated to a composite automaton can be provided. The latter result is obtained by providing a set of axioms, in ACP-style, for capturing bisimilarity in our calculus.

Source: Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF'06), pp. 41–55, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 17-23 Settembre 2006

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BibTeX entry
	title = {A Calculus for Team Automata},
	author = {Ter Beek M.  H. and Gadducci F. and Janssens D.},
	doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.08.022},
	booktitle = {Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF'06), pp. 41–55, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, 17-23 Settembre 2006},
	year = {2008}