Baglioni M, Masserotti Mv, Renso C, Spinsanti L
Geodatabases Query Ontologies
Geospatial semantic querying to geographical databases has been recognized as an hot topic in GIS research. Most approaches propose to adopt an ontology as a knowledge representation structure on top of the database, representing the concepts the user can query. These concepts are typically directly mapped to database tables. In this paper we propose a methodology where the ontology is further exploited mapping axioms to spatial SQL queries. The main advantage of this approach is that semantic-rich geospatial queries can be abstractly represented in the ontology and can be automatically translated into spatial SQL queries.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:206291, title = {Improving geodatabase semantic querying exploiting ontologies}, author = {Baglioni M and Masserotti Mv and Renso C and Spinsanti L}, year = {2011} }