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Integrated Cloud Broker System and Its Experimental Evaluation

Youn Ch, Chen M, Dazzi P

Cloud  Cloudlet  Broker 

In distributed computing environment, there are a large number of similar or equivalent resources provided by different service providers. These resources may provide the same functionality, but optimize different Quality of Service (QoS) metrics. These computing resources are managed and sold by many different service providers [1]. Service providers offer necessary information about their services such as the service capability, and the utility measuring methods and charging policies, which will be later referred to as the "resource policy" in this book. Each resource policy bears a tuple of two components, such as (capability, price). For capability, we model the resource capability as a set of QoS metrics which include the CPU type, the memory size, and the storage/hard disk size.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Integrated Cloud Broker System and Its Experimental Evaluation},
	author = {Youn Ch and Chen M and Dazzi P},
	year = {2017}

Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications